Place of occurrence

215,003 injury hospitalisation records (about 39%) had place missing.

Information around place of occurrence of injuries is only available for hospitalisations, and large proportions of records have missing information. In 2022–23, about 215,000 injury hospitalisations (39%) had missing or unspecified place of injury information. For the 61% of hospitalised injury cases where this information was available, the home was the most commonly recorded place of injury (about 162,000 cases) followed by streets or highways (52,000 cases), sports areas (30,000 cases) and aged care facilities (about 28,000 cases).

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    In the home

    Injuries were most likely among those aged 65+ at a crude rate of almost 2,000 cases per 100,000 people (about 90,000 cases).

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    In aged care facilities

    Females were more likely to be injured than males (730 and 460 per 100,000, respectively). The proportion of females aged 65+ is double that of males. (AIHW 2023).

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    In streets and highways

    The highest rates were among 15–24 years olds (260 per 100,000) and 65+ year olds (279 per 100,000).


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2023) GEN Aged Care Data: People using aged care, AIHW, accessed May 2024.