All measures

Table 1 provides an overview of the national palliative care measures.

Table 1: Overview of the national palliative care measures
Objective areaMeasureBaseline valueLatest valueStatusLatest update
Effective1.1 Physical wellbeing
Proportion of palliative care phases for people with life-limiting illnesses for which the distress related to pain improved or remained at a low level after intervention.
71.1% in 201870.6% in 2022The latest data for this measure are similar to the baseline, as indicated by statistical testing. No change23 May 2024
Data for physical wellbeing
Effective1.2 Psychosocial wellbeing
Proportion of palliative care phases for people with life-limiting illnesses for which psychological or spiritual problems improved or remained at a low level after intervention.
80.2% in 201879.2% in 2022The measure is not moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing. Regress23 May 2024
Data for psychosocial wellbeing
Effective1.3 Evidence-based care
Proportion of specialist palliative care services that met relevant, evidence-based standards.
. .. .There is not enough data available yet to report on the progress of this measure.Status not known yetData for this measure will be added when it becomes available.
Safe2.1 Avoidance of overtreatment
Proportion of people with life limiting illnesses who received potentially non-beneficial treatments at the end of life.
8.9% in 20188.3% in 2020The measure is moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing. Progress23 May 2024
Data for avoidance of overtreatment
Safe2.2 Avoidance of accident and injury
Proportion of people with life limiting illnesses who experienced a potentially preventable accident or injury.
. .. .There is not enough data available yet to report on the progress of this measure.Status not known yetData for this measure will be added when it becomes available.
Appropriate3.1a Collaborative care
Proportion of people with life limiting illnesses who were cared for in their location of preference at the end of life.
. .. .There is not enough data available yet to report on the progress of this measure.Status not known yetData for this measure will be added when it becomes available.
Appropriate3.1b Collaborative care
Proportion of Australians with advance care planning documents.
. .. .There is not enough data available yet to report on the progress of this measure. Status not known yetData for this measure will be added when it becomes available.
Appropriate3.2 Carer wellbeing
Proportion of palliative care phases for people with life-limiting illnesses for which family or carer problems improved or remained at a low level after intervention.
75.0% in 201873.6% in 2022The measure is not moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing. Regress23 May 2024
Data for carer wellbeing
Continuous4.1 Coordinated care
Proportion of people with life-limiting illnesses with a potentially preventable hospitalisation in their last 3 months of life.
12.9% in 201811.9% in 2020The measure is moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing. Progress23 May 2024
Data for coordinated care
Continuous4.2a Timely care
Proportion of people who received specialist palliative care in the last year of life with first receipt at least 3 months before death.
20.0% in 201820.9% in 2020The measure is moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing. Progress23 May 2024
Data for timely care
Continuous4.2b Timely care
Proportion of inpatient unstable palliative care phases that lasted 3 days or less.
76.1% in 201880.7% in 2021The measure is moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing. Progress23 May 2024
Data for timely care
Accessible5.1a Equitable
Number of full-time equivalent employed health practitioners in the specialist palliative care workforce, per 100,000 population.
13.2 FTE per 100,000 in 201813.7 FTE per 100,000 in 2022The latest data for this measure are similar to the baseline, as indicated by statistical testing. No change23 May 2024
Data for equitable
Accessible5.1b Equitable
Proportion of people in need of palliative care who received palliative care.
. .. .There is not enough data available yet to report on the progress of this measure. Status not known yetData for this measure will be added when it becomes available.
Accessible5.2 Inclusive
Proportion of people accessing palliative care who felt their care was respectful of their cultural beliefs and practices.
. .. .There is not enough data available yet to report on the progress of this measure.Status not known yetData for this measure will be added when it becomes available.

. . Not enough data available yet to report on progress.

Status key
ProgressNo changeRegressStatus not known yet
Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (2018), and the measure is moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing.Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (2018), and the latest data are similar to the baseline, as indicated by statistical testing.Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (2018), and the measure is not moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing.Used when there is not enough data available yet to report on progress.