
Desired outcome: everyone in Australia can access quality palliative care when it is needed, regardless of their geographic location, age, condition, socio-economic needs, cultural and religious background, or languages spoken.

Data can currently be reported for one measure. Work is continuing so that the remaining measures can be reported on in the future.


Status key
ProgressNo changeRegressStatus not known yet
Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (2018), and the measure is moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing.Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (2018), and the latest data are similar to the baseline, as indicated by statistical testing.Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (2018), and the measure is not moving in the desired direction, as indicated by statistical testing.Used when there is not enough data available yet to report on progress.