

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people are eligible for an annual health check specifically tailored to their needs, funded through Medicare. This health check aims to identify common health conditions that disproportionately affect First Nations people, such as diabetes and heart disease, promoting early detection and preventive care.

During the health check, a General Practitioner (GP) or a multidisciplinary team led by a GP will assess the individual's physical, psychological, and social wellbeing, providing necessary health-related information, advice and care. If required, the GP may also refer the person to other healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists, podiatrists, or dietitians, for free follow-‍up care under a list of Medicare items specifically for First Nations people.

This report, updated biennially from 2024, presents the latest data and trends in the use of health checks and follow-‍up services, disaggregated by age, sex and geography. For the first time, it also presents exploratory analyses of the use of MBS items for chronic disease management among health check patients.

Note that many patient statistics are presented as proportions of the First Nations population, based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) 2016 Census-based Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, Reference period 2006 – 2031 (ABS 2019). When the corresponding 2021 Census-based population series is available for future updates, proportions presented here may change considerably.

Key findings

Data in this release

This report update includes the latest data and time-series outlined below in Table 1.

Changes in this edition:

  • Most data are newly available by calendar year (the 12 months to 31 December), as well as financial year (the 12 months to 30 June), allowing for more frequent updates and enhancement of trends.
  • Proportions of the population who received a Medicare service are calculated based on the population at the end of the financial year or calendar year, instead of the population at the mid-point. Patients’ age is also calculated based on the date at the end of the financial year or calendar year of their service. These changes maintain the completeness of the patient count, while aligning patients’ age with the population data.
  • Patients’ geographic information is taken from the latest related Medicare service in the financial year or calendar year.
  • New exploratory analysis is presented on Medicare services for chronic disease management among health check patients.
  • Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) data are made available – limited to health checks in 2023.
  • Age groups for uptake of health checks by state/territory and Primary Health Network (PHN) are modified.
  • Additional data are made available for download, including age and sex breakdowns for some of the geographical outputs. See 'Expanded content' tables on the Data page.
  • Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA) data are removed.
  • Medicare items delivered via telehealth are no longer analysed separately.
  • Exploratory analyses in the previous report based on socioeconomic patterns are discontinued. Socioeconomic patterns may be re-examined in future reports, depending on what data are available.
Table 1: Summary of data in this report update



Health checks

National uptake by age and sex(a), by reference month(b), 2013 to 2023

State/territory and Primary Health Network (PHN) uptake by age(a), by reference month(b), 2013 to 2023

Remoteness Area, Indigenous Region (IREG) and Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) uptake(a), by reference month(b), 2013 to 2023

Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) uptake(a), 2023

Cumulative health checks by sex, by state/territory, by reference period, July 2013 to June 2023

Time between health checks by sex, by age, by state/territory, by Remoteness Area, 2018–‍19 to 2022–‍23

Follow-‍up services overview

Follow-‍up use by age and sex, by reference month(b), 2013 to 2023

Follow-‍up use by practitioner type, by year, 2018–‍19 to 2022–‍23

Health checks resulting in a follow-‍up

Follow-‍up percentages by age and sex, by year of health check, 2013 to 2022(c)

State/territory, PHN, Remoteness Area, IREG and SA4 follow-‍up percentages, by year of health check, 2018 to 2022(c)

Cumulative follow-‍ups, by year of health check, 2018–‍19 to 2021–‍22

Chronic disease management services among health check patientsChronic disease management service use among health check patients, by age and sex, 2023(d)
  1. Health check uptake shows patient numbers as a proportion of the First Nations population, based on the ABS’ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population estimates and projections for the 2006–‍2031 reference period (2016-‍based).
  2. ‘Reference month’ data show uptake as at June and December, relating to the 12 months ending on 30 June and 31 December, respectively.
  3. Follow-‍up percentages show the proportion of health check patients each year, who received a follow-‍up service within 12 months of their health check.
  4. Chronic disease management (CDM) service analysis shows the proportion of health check patients who received a CDM service in the same year as their health check.


ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (2019) Estimates and projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2006 – 2031, ABS website, Australian Government, accessed 10 May 2024.

AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) (2023) Indigenous-‍specific health checks during the COVID-19 pandemic, AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 20 May 2024.