Health checks resulting in a follow-up


This chapter presents the number and proportion of health check patients who received a follow-‍up service in the 12 months following their health check, by the year (both, financial and calendar years, which overlap by 6 months) that their health check was delivered (or ‘follow-‍up percentage’). The most recent year of health check delivery covered is the 2022 calendar year. Follow-‍up activity for health check patients from 2022–‍23 and 2023 was not ready to assess at the time of this analysis, because 12 months has not transpired for all health check patients from those years.

The MBS data collection does not include any information about the outcomes of a health check. This means that it is not known how many people actually required follow-‍up care after their health checks. Not all First Nations people who have a health check will need follow-‍up services. Consequently, variation in follow-‍up percentages (for example, by age group or geographic regions), may partly reflect differences in health status, perceptions of need for follow‑up care, whether people are willing or able to attend recommended follow-‍up services, and whether services are delivered and claimed through this particular suite of MBS items.

For background information on health checks, see Health checks section.

For background information on follow-‍up services, see Follow-‍up services overview section.