SHS training

Most states and territories offer ongoing face-to-face training programs for the SHS collection, so look out for training opportunities that are advertised or direct your queries to your state/territory department.

The AIHW offers online training via webinars and these are particularly useful if face-to-face training is not available in the near future, or your remote location makes travelling for training difficult. Webinars are regularly advertised in the latest SHS e-Newsletter.

The AIHW website also has e-Learning modules and resources to train new staff members to enter data into SHIP.

Latest news (updated monthly)

SHS collection eNewsletter for homelessness agencies – July 2024 (PDF 291KB)

COVID-19 FAQs for collection of SHSC data

COVID-19 FAQs for collection of SHSC data (PDF 500kB)

FAQs for the SHS Collection

FAQs for the SHS Collection (PDF 980kB)

New case plan functions

SHIP case plan functionality (PDF 590kB)

New data items

Summary of data items introduced on 1 July 2019 (PDF 650kB)


This e-Learning course is divided into the following lessons and it is recommended that you work your way through them all.

  • How to access Validata™
  • How to navigate through Validata™
  • How to upload and submit extracts
  • How to create and administer user access

Sample client forms

From July 2016, the AIHW no longer accepts or processes paper client forms. However, the sample forms below can be useful for collecting client data which can then be entered into your agency’s client management system.

SHIP e-Learning material

Other resources