The National Mortality Database (NMD) holds records for deaths in Australia from 1964 to 2022 and is considered an Essential Statistical Asset for Australia. The database comprises information about causes of death and other characteristics of the person, such as sex, age at death, area of usual residence and Indigenous status. The cause of death data are sourced from the Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages in each state and territory, the National Coronial Information System and compiled and coded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Table 1: Information on the NMD
Data itemDescription
Age at deathAge at which the person died
Area of usual residenceBased on the Statistical Local Area (or Statistical Area Level 2 for recent years) of usual residence in the 6 months prior to death, for indicating remoteness and socioeconomic status of area of residence
Country of birthCountry in which the person was born
Date of birthDate of birth
Date of deathDate of death
Indigenous statusIndicates whether the person identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
RemotenessIndicates the level of remoteness of the usual residence according to the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (or Australian Statistical Geography Standard for recent years) 
SexSex of the person
StateState of registration of the death
Underlying cause of deathUnderlying cause of death coded to the relevant version of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD)
Multiple causes of deathMultiple causes of death (all conditions listed on the death certificate) coded to the relevant version of ICD
YearYear of registration of the death
Years resident in AustraliaLength of time (in years) resident in Australia