The national Key Performance Indicators (nKPI) collection is a set of primary health care indicators for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (Indigenous Australians) focusing on maternal and child health, preventative health, and chronic disease management.

Data are supplied on the Indigenous regular clients of organisations receiving funding under the Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme (IAHP) twice a year, with census dates in June and December. The period of data covered varies by indicator. For example, depending on the indicator, data might be for the period:

  • 6 months up to the census date, or
  • 12 months up to the census date, or
  • 24 months up to the census date.

Data are submitted by organisations via the Department of Health and Aged Care's Health Data Portal (HDP). Data sent to the HDP then flow into a data storage facility, the Department of Health and Aged Care's Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) assist the 200 plus organisations providing data to the collection to resolve data quality issues (via a helpdesk) and manages data reporting from the collections (including requests for data).

nKPI reports

See Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific primary health care: results from the nKPI and OSR collections for the latest data from the nKPI collection.

nKPI user guide

AIHW national key performance Indicators data collection: user guide for June 2024 (PDF 609KB)