Linkage approach for the ex-serving ADF cohort data set

The method to construct the dataset for this study was undertaken using data linkage, also known as data integration, the process that brings together information relating to an individual from multiple sources. AIHW undertook data linkage between an extract of PMKeyS, DVA client data, the DVA NTA, the NDI and the Medicare Consumer Directory and subsequently to NHMD and the National non-admitted patient emergency department care database (NNAPEDCD). This linkage was by a probabilistic linkage procedure (Fellegi and Sunter 1969).

The AIHW is an international leader in data linkage and an Accredited Data Service Provider (ADSP) under the data sharing scheme (the DATA Scheme) established by the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 (DAT Act). As an ADSP the AIHW abides by the Australian Government’s Data Sharing Principles, constituting a best-practice risk management framework to enable the robust, safe, and secure sharing of data.

Strict separation of identifiable information and content data is maintained within the AIHW Data Linkage Unit in accordance with the AIHW linkage protocols. Summary results from the linked data set are presented in aggregate format. Personal identifying information is not released, and no individual can be identified in any reporting. The linked data set created for this study will be stored securely in line with AIHW data storage and retention protocols.