

The AIHW thanks and acknowledges the large contribution by staff from a range of organisations in providing datasets and/or advice in conducting this project. These organisations are:

  • Department of Defence
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
  • AIHW Veterans’ Advisory Group

The AIHW also thanks and acknowledges contributions of internal staff from the AIHW:

  • Data Integration Service Centre who conducted the data-linkage,
  • Ethics Privacy and Legal Unit who facilitated the ethics approval process,
  • Specialist Capability Unit who provided statistical guidance in the methods used for analysis
  • Suicide and Self-Harm Monitoring Unit for advice on reporting on suicide and self-harm
  • The NIHSI/NHDH Unit who facilitated the NHDH data asset governance and approval and researcher access; and
  • Hospitals Analysis Support Unit who facilitated the Hospital data custodian data asset governance and approval and researcher access.

Ethical approval of this project was provided by AIHW Ethics Committee and Departments of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs Human Research Ethics Committee.

Finally, the AIHW also thanks Everymind for providing invaluable advice in the appropriate and sensitive way to report on suicide and self-harm.