First Nations-specific health and aged care programs and caring roles among First Nations people

First Nations-specific health and aged care programs

The extent to which First Nations people use government-subsidised health and aged care services is not fully known, due to issues related to: health and aged care workers preferring not to ask about First Nation status; under-disclosure of First Nation status when asked; inadequate data collection; and small First Nations samples in surveys which limit meaningful extrapolations.

There is however robust evidence that First Nations people prefer First Nations-specific services. Studies have also shown that First Nations people prefer services that allow people with dementia to remain in their homes and communities, and which are locally designed in partnership with communities (Lindeman et al. 2017). Other factors enabling First Nations people to access dementia services and support include: availability of affordable dementia support services on Country; accessible transport options to reach service providers; and reasonable waiting times for health and aged care services (Alzheimer’s Australia 2007; Flicker and Holdsworth 2014).

While First Nations-specific services are important providers of high-quality dementia care for First Nations people, it is important that all government-subsidised health and aged care services provide a culturally safe and accessible environment. In its final report, the Royal Commission made several recommendations to move towards an aged care system that provides culturally safe and flexible care for First Nations people, including in services that are not First Nations-specific (Royal Commission 2021).

Caring for others with dementia

Family and other community members tend to play a strong caring role in First Nations communities, and caring roles are often shared across the community. Elders play a key role in many First Nations communities and there tends to be a strong preference for people with dementia to age and die on Country.

The ABS Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers is the only national data source providing information on unpaid carers in Australia. However, due to sampling issues, data on First Nations carers of people with dementia and/or carers of people with First Nations people with dementia are not available. While there is limited information available on First Nations people caring for someone with dementia specifically, previous work has highlighted challenges faced by First Nations carers more broadly (Hill et al. 2012). These include:

  • limited options for culturally safe respite care, which places more burden on carers. In some remote areas, there may be no available respite services
  • greater financial costs incurred by carers in regional and remote areas, where carer payments and allowances are insufficient to cover the higher costs of transport, medications, and special equipment required to assist with care
  • difficulties with navigating government systems and processes to claim carer-related payments
  • high costs of respite and community services in regional and remote areas, when these are available
  • higher rates of informal caregiving among First Nations people than among non-Indigenous Australians. First Nations carers are more likely to be younger and female, and to face challenges related to their own health and financial resources.

A recent study by LoGiudice et al. (2020) showed that carers of older First Nations people living in remote Western Australia tended to be young and female (mostly children and grandchildren), and that carers who attended high school and felt empowered, had a lower sense of carer burden.