Data source

This project uses the Census of Population and Housing 2021 extract in the Australian Bureau of Statistic (ABS) Person-Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA) formerly named Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) updated from May 2023. PLIDA (or MADIP) is a secure data asset combining information on healthcare, education, government payments, income and taxation, employment, and population demographics (including the Census) over time. For more information on PLIDA, see the ABS web page, Supporting Analysis of The Life Course.

The 2021 Census was conducted on 10 August 2021. However, people could complete the Census between July and September 2021. The scope of the Census is every person present in Australia on Census night residing in private and non-private dwellings, with the exception of:

  1. people in Australian external territories
  2. foreign diplomats and their families
  3. foreign crew members on ships who remain on the ship and do not undertake migration formalities
  4. people leaving an Australian port for an overseas destination before midnight on Census night.

The 2021 Census data collected data about 18,436,395 people aged 15 years and over living in Australia in occupied private dwellings on Census Night. 

The 2021 Census included a new health topic to capture data about Australians reporting selected long-term health conditions. This allows for the analysis of long-term health conditions data at more detailed geographic and sub-population levels than ABS health surveys can support.

For more information on the 2021 Census, see About the Census.