Data gaps

It is important to note the health of any population is a product of many factors beyond the social determinants of health at a point in time analysed in this report. For people from CALD backgrounds, these factors include environmental, economic, genetic and socio-cultural factors in their home country and Australia, as well as their migration experience.

Data were not available to examine long-term health conditions amongst CALD people also belonging to other vulnerable population groups such as people with disability and/or people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer, and other sexuality (including asexual), gender, and bodily diverse (LGBTIQ+).

While the effect of social determinants of health were able to be assessed in these analyses, further data are needed to identify the social and economic drivers behind the observed associations between time spent in Australia since the first arrival and reported long-term health conditions.