

8 July 2024

In Data tables: 2022–23 Primary Health Network (PHN) geography (episodes), the column width has been expanded in table PHN AODTS NMDS Clients 7, so that the ‘Non-Indigenous Australians’ column title displays correctly.


The authors of this report were Jennifer Zhou, Owen Croker, Willow Bryant and Kristina Da Silva from the Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs Unit of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions, comments and advice of the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set Working Group.

The AIHW thanks the numerous alcohol and other drug treatment service agencies that provided data for this report. Without the cooperation of the staff in these agencies in each state and territory, this data collection and report would not be possible.

The Department of Health and Aged Care provided funding for this report.

Thanks are extended to the data managers and staff in the following departments:

  • Department of Health and Aged Care, Australian Government
  • Ministry of Health, New South Wales
  • Department of Health, Victoria
  • Department of Health, Queensland
  • Mental Health Commission, Western Australia
  • Department of Health and Wellbeing, South Australia
  • Department of Health, Tasmania
  • Health Directorate, Australian Capital Territory
  • NT Health, Northern Territory