Data and methods

For technical notes on the state and territory summaries refer to Technical notes - state and territory summaries.


Age is calculated as at the start of the episode.

Counting clients

Every client in the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set (AODTS NMDS) is assigned a statistical linkage key (SLK-581). 

Clients are counted based on the number of SLK-581s in the AODTS NMDS. 

National counts are based on the first time a client’s SLK-581 appears in the AODTS NMDS. All clients are counted once.

State and territory counts are based on counting the occurrence of SLK-581s for each client in the AODTS NMDS in each jurisdiction. This may result in clients being counted more than once. This is most common among clients who travel interstate for treatment. For example, clients who reside in Queanbeyan, NSW and travel to Canberra, ACT for treatment. This means that the sum of clients at the state and territory level can be greater than the national total.

This report uses both national and state and territory counts to describe trends at both national and jurisdictional levels, as well as movements between jurisdictions. For more information, refer to the supplementary table footnotes and the SLK-581 guide for use.

Data collection process

For most states and territories, the data provided for the national collection are a subset of a more detailed jurisdictional data set used for planning and policy. Figure A1 shows the processes involved in constructing the national data.

Figure A1: Alcohol and other drug treatment data collection flowchart

The diagram displays the AODTS NMDS data collection process

Drugs of concern

The Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set (AODTS NMDS) contains data on drugs of concern that are coded using the ABS’s Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern (ASCDC) (ABS 2011). In this report, these drugs are grouped (Table A1).

Table A1: Groupings of drugs of concern


ASCDC codes




















Other opioids

Oxycodone, fentanyl, pethidine


Other analgesics


Sedatives and hypnotics



Ethanol, methanol and other alcohols



Clonazepam, diazepam and temazepam


Other sedatives and hypnotics

Ketamine, nitrous oxide, barbiturates and kava

Stimulants and hallucinogens 



Amphetamine, dexamphetamine and methamphetamine


Ecstasy (MDMA)









Other stimulants and hallucinogens

Volatile nitrates, ephedra alkaloids, phenethylamines, tryptamines and caffeine









Anabolic agents and selected hormones, antidepressants and antipsychotics, volatile solvents, diuretics and opioid antagonists

Not stated


Not stated


In this report, pharmaceutical drugs were grouped using 10 drug types, making up the pharmaceuticals group for the purposes of the analysis. These drugs correspond to the ASCDC codes and classifications (Table A2).

Table A2: Pharmaceutical drugs of concern, ASCDC codes and classifications

Drug category


ASCDC classification
(broad group and narrow group/s)

Drug description
(ASCDC base level unit/s)




Organic opiate analgesics





Organic opiate analgesics





Semisynthetic opioid analgesics





Semisynthetic opioid analgesics





Synthetic opioid analgesics




Sedatives and hypnotics


Benzodiazepines n.f.d., alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam, flunitrazepam, lorazepam, nitrazepam, oxazepam, temazepam, benzodiazepines n.e.c.



Anabolic agents and selected hormones

Anabolic androgenic steroids

Beta2 agonists

Peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues

Other anabolic agents and selected hormones

Not further defined

Anabolic agents and selected hormones n.f.d., anabolic androgenic steroids n.f.d., boldene, dehydroepiandrosterone, fluoxymesterone, mesterolone, methandriol, methenolone, nandrolone, oxandrolone, stanozolol, testosterone, anabolic androgenic steroids n.e.c., beta2 agonists n.f.d., eformoterol, fenoterol, salbutamol, beta2 agonists n.e.c., peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues n.f.d., chorionic gonadotrophin, corticotrophin, erythropoietin, growth hormone, insulin, peptide hormones, mimetics and analogues n.e.c., other anabolic agents and selected hormones n.f.d., sulfonylurea hypoglycaemic agents, tamoxifen, thyroxine, other anabolic agents and selected hormones n.e.c.

Other opioids

1100, 1199, 1200, 1299, 1300–1304, 1306–1399


Organic opiate analgesics

Semisynthetic opioid analgesics

Synthetic opioid analgesics

Not further defined

Organic opiate analgesics n.f.d., organic opiate analgesics n.e.c., semisynthetic opioid analgesics n.f.d., semisynthetic opioid analgesics n.e.c., synthetic opioid analgesics n.f.d., fentanyl, fentanyl analogues, levomethadyl acetate hydrochloride, meperidine analogues, pethidine, tramadol, synthetic opioid analgesics n.e.c.

Other analgesics

0005, 1000, 1400–1499


Non-opioid analgesics

Not further defined

Analgesics n.f.d., non-opioid analgesics n.f.d., acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen, non-opioid analgesics n.e.c.

Other sedatives and hypnotics

2200–2299, 2300–2399, 2500–2599, 2900–2999

Sedatives and hypnotics



Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) type drugs and analogues

Other sedatives and hypnotics

Sedatives and hypnotics n.f.d., anaesthetics n.f.d., ketamine, nitrous oxide, phencyclidine, propofol, anaesthetics n.e.c., barbiturates n.f.d., amylobarbitone, methylphenobarbitone, phenobarbitone, barbiturates n.e.c., GHB-type drugs and analogues n.f.d., GHB, gamma-butyrolactone, 1,4-butanediol, GHB-type drugs and analogues n.e.c., other sedatives and hypnotics n.f.d., chlormethiazole, kava lactones, zopclone, doxylamine, promethazine, zolpidem, other sedatives and hypnotics n.e.c.

n.f.d – not further defined; n.e.c – not elsewhere classified.

Jurisdictional notes regarding principal drug of concern:

  • Victoria reported comparatively high incidences of ‘Not stated drugs’ (15%) as the drug of concern. This is in part due to service providers adjusting to changes in reporting practices associated with the implementation of a new data collection system in 2019–20. In 2020–21, these drugs of concern were coded as ‘Other drugs of concern’ (14%) to realign with previous coding practices for Victoria. Victoria is working with service providers to encourage more specific reporting of drug of concern.
  • In Queensland, the proportion of cannabis episodes reported as the principal drug of concern is a result of the Police Drug Diversion Program, Illicit Drugs Court Diversion Program and Drug and Alcohol Assessment Referral Program (DAAR) operating in the state.
  • South Australia reports a high proportion of treatment episodes where amphetamines are the principal drug of concern due to the SA Police Drug Diversion Initiative (PDDI). In addition, adult cannabis offences are not included in the PDDI due to the SA Cannabis Expiation Notice legislation.
  • In the Australian Capital Territory, removal of criminal penalties for possession of small quantities of cannabis in the ACT at the end of January 2020 reduced the number of cannabis-related diversions recorded as treatment episodes to low levels (mainly under-18s). Data collection improvements at government-operated services resulted in fewer ‘not stated’ responses in the 2022–23 collection.

Drugs of concern supplementary tables

Data for drugs of concern published in the supplementary tables may differ from results published within other tables, due to different counting methodology. Tables have been footnoted where there is different counting methodology. For example, where the principal drug of concern is coded as fentanyl (1301) and other drug of concern is coded as tramadol (1307), these drugs are within the same drug grouping (synthetic opioid analgesics) and counted only once. 


Duration is calculated in whole days, and only for closed episodes.

Population rates

In this publication, crude rates were calculated using the ABS’s estimated resident population at the midpoint of the data range: that is, rates for 2022–23 data were calculated using the estimated resident population at 31 December 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting Australian Government closure of the international border from 20 March 2020 caused significant disruptions to the usual Australian population trends. This report uses Australian Estimated Resident Population (ERP) estimates that reflect these disruptions.

In the year July 2020 to June 2021, the overall population growth was much smaller than the years prior and, in particular, there was a relatively large decline in the population of Victoria. ABS reporting indicates these were primarily due to net-negative international migration; for further information, refer to National, state and territory population, June 2021.

Note that this change in the usual population trends may affect interpretation of statistics calculated from these ERPs. For example, rates and proportions may be greater than in previous years due to decreases in the denominator (population size) of some sub-populations.

Reason for cessation

The AODTS NMDS contains data on the reason an episode ended (reason for cessation). In this report, these reasons are grouped (Table A3), but data for the individual end reasons are available in the online supplementary tables.

A different method was used for grouping end reasons in reports released before 2014, so trend comparisons across reports should be made with caution. It is possible to compare data at the individual end reasons using the supplementary tables.

Table A3: Grouping of cessation reasons, by indicative outcome type

Outcome type

Reason for cessation

Expected/planned completion

Treatment completed

Ceased to participate at expiation

Ceased to participate by mutual agreement

Ended due to unplanned completion

Ceased to participate against advice

Ceased to participate without notice

Ceased to participate due to non-compliance

Referred to another service/change in treatment mode

Change in main treatment type

Change in delivery setting

Change in principal drug of concern

Transferred to another service provider


Drug court or sanctioned by court diversion service

Imprisoned (other than drug court sanctioned)



Not stated

Remoteness area

This report uses the ABS’s Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3 (ABS 2021) to analyse the proportion of AOD treatment agencies by remoteness area. This structure allows areas that share common characteristics of remoteness to be classified into broad geographic regions of Australia. These areas are:

  • Major cities 
  • Inner regional 
  • Outer regional 
  • Very remote
  • Remote

The remoteness structure divides each state and territory into several regions based on their relative access to services.

Examples of urban centres in each remoteness area are:

  • Major cities: Canberra, Newcastle
  • Inner regional: Hobart, Bendigo
  • Outer regional: Cairns, Darwin
  • Remote: Katherine, Mount Isa
  • Very remote: Tennant Creek, Meekatharra.

For this report, the remoteness area of the agency was determined using the Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) of the agency. Not all SA2 codes fit neatly within a single remoteness category, and a ratio is applied to reapportion each SA2 to the applicable remoteness categories. As a result, it is possible that the number of agencies in a particular remoteness category is not a whole number. After rounding, this can result in there being ‘<0.5%’ agencies in a remoteness area, due to the agency’s SA2 partially crossing into the remoteness area.

The Australian Statistical Geography Standard ASGS has replaced the Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2006 (ABS 2006), which was used in previous reports to calculate remoteness areas. Therefore, remoteness data for 2011–12 and previous years are not comparable with those for 2012–13 and subsequent years.

Service sectors

From 2008–09, agencies funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care under the Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP) were classified as non‑government agencies. Before this, many of these agencies were classified as government agencies. As a result, trends in service sectors of agencies should be interpreted with caution.

Source of referral –  diversion

Throughout Australia, there are programs that divert people who have been apprehended or sentenced for a minor drugs offence from the criminal justice system. Many of these diversions result in clients receiving drug treatment services, who have been referred to treatment agencies as part of a drug diversion program. Since the 1980s, Australian governments have supported programs aimed at diverting from the criminal justice system people who have been apprehended or sentenced with a minor drugs offence.

In Australia, drug diversion program come in 2 main forms:

  • Police diversion occurs when an offence is first detected by a law enforcement officer. It usually applies for minor use or possession offences, often relating to cannabis, and can involve the offender being cautioned, receiving a fine and/or having to attend education or assessment sessions.
  • Court diversion occurs after a charge is laid. It usually applies for offences where criminal behaviour was related to drug use (for example, burglary or public order offence). Bail-based programs generally involve assessment and treatment, while pre‑ and post-sentence programs (including drug courts) tend to involve intensive treatment and are aimed at repeat offenders.


The number of closed treatment episodes for counselling as a main treatment type has remained the most common treatment type for all clients over all collection years. All information included in the AODTS NMDS regarding clients and treatment services are based on a closed treatment episode (there is an end date which falls within the reporting period). Fluctuations over time in closed treatment episodes for particular treatment types may be influenced by coding practices, increased funding or changes in treatment policies or capacity to provide specialised alcohol and other drug treatment services, which may contribute to variation in treatment types over time.

Trend data may differ from data published in previous versions of Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia, due to data revisions.

Historical data element changes

Details on historical data element changes are found in Appendix A of the AODTS NMDS Data Collection Manual 2022–23 [PDF 735kB].