
The Australian, state and territory governments are working together with the disability community to design the NDDA. More information about the National Disability Data Asset is available at: NDDA website, including FAQs on the NDDA.

A Privacy Impact Assessment for the National Disability Data Asset and the Australian National Data Integration Infrastructure was completed by privacy experts in 2023. Accessible versions of the privacy materials are available at Privacy for the National Disability Data Asset.

The disability data asset went through 2 years of development and testing called the pilot. The pilot tested how to best link data to understand outcomes for people with disability, while protecting people’s privacy. The pilot was delivered jointly by the AIHW, the ABS, the DSS, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the governments of the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland. New South Wales led the National Project Team for the Pilot and AIHW led the Technical Team. Work was undertaken with the guidance of a an NDDA Pilot Disability Advisory Council.

The NDDA pilot provided new insights into how people with disability interact with government services and programs. More information about the pilot and the insights they delivered is available at: Pilot Test Cases – National Disability Data Asset.

Details of the AIHW ethics approvals for the pilot test cases are provided at: Approved AIHW linkage projects.