Australian Public Service Employment Database (APSED)


Collection frequency


Latest data

December 2023


The APS Employment Database (APSED) stores the employment data of all current and former APS employees. APSED is maintained by the Australian Public Service Commission and the data is supplied to APSED from the HR systems of APS agencies.

Definition of disability

A person has a disability if they report that they have a limitation, restriction or impairment, which has lasted, or is likely to last, for at least 6 months and restricts everyday activities. Disability status is voluntarily self-reported.

Age groups

Calculated based on date of birth of provided by employee.


Gender is voluntarily self-reported  as ‘Male’, ‘Female’ or ‘Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified’.

Indigenous status

Indigenous status is based on individuals self-identifying as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person. The term ‘First Nations employees’ is used to refer to the APS employees who have identified as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person.

Definition of CALD

While there is no single metric for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) status used by APSC, a proxy measure (non-English speaking country of birth) has been used for reporting purposes in this instance. Country of birth is based on the ABS Standard Australian Classification of Countries (2016).

Geographic information

Remoteness has been calculated using the ABS 2016 Remoteness Areas Structure within the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), which is based on the Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia.


National, state and territory data are available.

Measure reported

Public sector employment

  1. The Strategy would like to see the following tracked – proportion of public sector employees with disability. Available data do not currently allow reporting on the wider public sector.
  2. Disability status was unknown for 24% of Australian Public Service employees in December 2023. Between June 2011 and December 2023, disability status was unknown for between 24% and 26% of these employees.
  3. Data are for employees aged 15 and over.