All measures

Outcome area Measure Baseline value Latest value Progress status Last updated

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  • Improving Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (December 2021), and the measure is moving in the direction the Strategy wants to see.
  • No change Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (December 2021), and the latest data are similar to the baseline.
  • Regress Used where there are 2 or more data points, including at least one data point after the start of the Strategy (December 2021), and the measure is not moving in the direction the Strategy wants to see.
  • Status not known yet Used when there is not enough data available yet to report on progress. This occurs when there is only one data point available (usually the baseline) or data after the start of the Strategy (December 2021) is yet to become available.
  • Confidence status Added to indicate that care should be taken when looking at a reported status as there is some uncertainty in the data.