
The Veterans’ Advisory Group provides guidance and advice on research projects relating to veterans and their families undertaken as part of the Strategic partnership between the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). It provides a forum for data users and data suppliers of permanent, reserve and ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) information to give advice and assistance to the AIHW about the methods used and the presentation and analysis of data about veterans and their families. 

Terms of Reference

The Veterans’ Advisory Group members will:

  • Provide advice on conceptual issues and the potential for development of new methodology or approaches to analysis, for inclusion in the work program.
  • Provide expert subject matter advice to the development of the work program, and specific projects, as needed.
  • Provide experiential insight and advice.
  • Provide statistical and technical input to data analysis and development work and provide advice on data collections.
  • Provide advice on the material prepared as part of the program of work, such as the statistics, technical and analytical information.
  • Provide timely feedback on structure and content of working documents and draft reports.
  • Facilitate communication with membership bodies and other stakeholders where applicable, to assist the secretariat in progressing consultation on relevant items.


The membership of the Veterans’ Advisory Group has been agreed between AIHW and DVA and includes a mix of members with expertise in:

  • the subject matter (e.g. academics, researchers)
  • policy development
  • data analysis, development and management
  • issues unique to the experience of veterans.

Membership is also offered to persons with previous ADF experience, to add insights from their personal experience to the analysis program.

Each member is appointed to the Veterans’ Advisory Group on the basis of their knowledge and expertise on veterans’ health and welfare or data collection processes. Other experts may be invited to the Veterans’ Advisory Group or co-opted as required.

The Chair is the Head of the Data Strategies and Discovery Group, AIHW, and can be contacted via the Advisory Group secretariat at [email protected].


The Veterans’ Advisory Group meets approximately 4 times a year. Meetings are scheduled when required, rather than to a formal schedule.

While meetings will generally be held by teleconference, where circumstances allow, one face-to-face meeting may be organised each year. The Veterans’ Advisory Group may also choose to deal with issues out-of-session.


The AIHW Veterans’ Insights and Projects Unit provides secretariat support and can be contacted via [email protected].