Terms of reference

The NNHSDDC is required to:

  1. advise the AIHW on the scope of and development of data items for inclusion in a national data collection for neonatal hearing screening.
  2. review and recommend data items for inclusion, modification or deletion in the Metadata Online Registry (METEOR), to form a National Best Endeavours Data Set (NBEDS) for neonatal hearing screening, via the National Health Data and Information Standards Committee (NHDISC).
  3. advise the AIHW on state and territory data collection processes relating to neonatal hearing screening.
  4. advise on the costs and timing of implementing proposed new data items for national reporting, including the capacity and preparedness of the jurisdictions and other relevant bodies/agencies to collect and provide these data as part of the NBEDS. 
  5. promote the use of national data standards in relevant local and national data collections.
  6. advise on the revision of national performance indicators for neonatal hearing screening.
  7. advise on the content and structure of draft AIHW reports relating to neonatal hearing screening data
  8. ensure that data shared between jurisdictions for information, review and clearance purposes is confidential.

In addition to the responsibilities outlined above, individual members are required to:

  1. consult with relevant stakeholders within their jurisdictions in a timely manner (e.g., clinicians, data providers) and keep their state/territory NHDISC representative informed of data item development as required.
  2. promote the NNHSDDC as a national expert body on neonatal hearing screening data.
  3. provide comments on papers/issues in the timeframe agreed to (if a jurisdiction has no comment, this should be conveyed to the Secretariat).

The AIHW have additional responsibility for:

  1. developing and managing a work program based on agreed priorities
  2. seeking expert clinical and/or technical advice from relevant clinical experts and other relevant bodies/agencies as necessary on behalf of the NNHSDDC.
  3. providing advice on known developments in other related national committees or projects. 
  4. following data development guidelines of METEOR. 


The NNHSDDC is comprised of a representative from each state and territory health authority/organisation and the AIHW, with observers and temporary members invited on a transitory basis as their expertise is required.

NNHSDDC representatives



Name of representative

ChairUnit Head, Maternal and Perinatal Health Unit, Priority Populations and Capability Group, AIHWJacqueline Rek

Group Head, Priority Populations and Capability Group, AIHW

Adrian Webster


Manager, Child and Family Health, NSW Ministry of Health

Nguyet de Mello


Co-Director, Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program, The Royal Children’s Hospital

Melinda Barker


Acting Director, Healthy Hearing, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service

Lauren McHugh


State Coordinator, Newborn Hearing Screening WA, Perth Children’s Hospital

Kristy Tomlinson


Manager, Newborn Hearing Screening Program, SA Women’s and Children’s Health Network

Bianca Liersch


Senior Information Analyst, SA Children and Family Health Service

Amanda Crook


Senior Site Coordinator, Tasmanian Health Service – Statewide Audiology Service

Keeley Moffett


Director of Allied Health, Women Youth and Children, ACT Health

Elissa Jacobs


CQI Manager/Senior Audiologist, NT Hearing Services

Rebecca Matthews


Maternal and Perinatal Health Unit, Priority Populations and Capability Group, AIHW

Georgina Jepsen


Secretariat support is provided by the AIHW MPHU.

Contact details for the Secretariat

Secretariat, National Neonatal Hearing Screening Data Development Committee
Phone: (02) 6249 5093
Email: [email protected]