Contains data on the demographics and structure of the occupational therapy labour force in Vic, Qld, WA, ACT and NT. 

Occupational therapy data for 1998 survey, comprising Vic., Qld, WA, ACT and NT only.

Collection details

Temporal coverage

from 1/1/1998 to 31/12/2003

Geographical coverage



Data availability

  • Publications

Data scope

All occupational therapists renewing their professional registration in those jurisdictions where a registration board exists. The national association also assists with the distribution of the survey to members in some jurisdictions without registration boards. The 2002-2003 Occupational Therapy Labour Force Survey was distributed to registered occupational therapists in Queensland, South Australia, and the Northern Territory and to members of OT Australia in the other states and the Australian Capital Territory because these jurisdictions didn't have a registration board in 2002-03. For 2002-2003 there were 3,769 valid responses provided to the AIHW for analysis (Table 3). In the absence of an accurate estimate of the total population of occupational therapists it was not feasible to weight the responses to the survey.



Metadata information and data quality statement (DQS)

Not available.

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