
The latest available data for the Online Services Report (OSR) and the national Key Performance Indicators (nKPI) collections vary:

  • The OSR collects contextual information once each financial year (1 July to 30 June) about reporting organisations, such as client numbers, client contacts, episodes of care, staffing levels and vacancies. The latest available data in the web report and data tables are from the 2022–23 collection.
  • The nKPI collects information twice a year (with census dates at 30 June and 31 December) on a set of process-of-care and health-status indicators (focusing on maternal and child health, preventative health, and chronic disease management) for First Nations people who are regular clients of a reporting organisation. The latest available data in the web report are from the June 2023 collection. The latest available data in the data tables are from the December 2023 collection.
Latest update: 11 June 2024
Page updated Details
Interpreting nKPI data Page updated to include data quality information for the December 2023 nKPI collection


  • December 2023 nKPI data tables


Related material


  • Data tables: Impact of COVID-19
  • Data tables: Impact of COVID-19 – updated
Archived content


  • PDF of 30 January 2024 released web pages
  • June 2023 nKPI data tables