This publication reports on the oral health, dental visiting and dental treatment needs of Australian adults as self-reported in the National Dental Telephone Interview Survey (NDTIS) 2010. Time series data across all NDTISs conducted since 1994 are also presented to provide a picture of how key measures have changed over this period. International comparisons are also included.
Oral health
In 2010, the majority of Australian adults reported good oral health. However, 37% reported that they had experienced an oral health issue in the previous 12 months, including 15% who experienced toothache, 25% who felt uncomfortable with their dental appearance and 17% who had avoided certain foods.
Adults who were from low-income households or held an Australian Government concession card were more likely to report having 'fair' or 'poor' oral health and to have experienced toothache than adults from high-income households or non-cardholders. There was no significant change over time in these measures.
Dental visiting
Around 60% of adults made a dental visit in the previous 12 months and the majority of these visited for a check-up (60%). Adults in the lowest income group (51%) and cardholders (those who hold an Australian Government concession card) (53%) were less likely than those in the highest household income group (65%) and non-cardholders (64%) to have made a dental visit in the previous 12 months.
Adults from Major cities were more likely than those from all other areas to have made a dental visit and to have visited for a check-up.
Barriers to dental care use
Around 38% of adults experienced a financial barrier or hardship associated with dental visits. Overall, 31% avoided or delayed making a dental visit due to cost. Of those who did visit, around 11% of adults reported that dental visits in the previous 12 months were a large financial burden. Adults from the lowest income households were seven times as likely to report difficulty paying a $150 dental bill than those from high-income households.
International comparisons
Australian adults reported oral health similar to their Canadian counterparts but generally better than that of New Zealanders. Fewer Australians than New Zealanders had no natural teeth. However, Australians were more likely than their New Zealand counterparts to have made a dental visit in the previous 12 months but less likely than those in Canada to do so.
Australian adults were more likely at all ages than Canadian adults to report that they had avoided or delayed visiting due to cost. However, they were less likely to have avoided or delayed due to cost than New Zealanders in all age groups up to 45-54 years and less likely to report that they currently needed dental care.
Preliminary material: Abbreviations; Symbols
1 Introduction
- Measures reported
- Presentation of results
2 Oral health
- What are the known risk factors for oral disease?
- Measures of oral health
- How many people experienced oral health problems?
- Does oral health differ with age?
- Does oral health differ by socioeconomic status?
- Does oral health differ by remoteness area?
- How has oral health changed over time?
3 Dental visiting
- Why is dental visiting important?
- Measures of dental visiting
- How many adults made a dental visit?
- Does dental visiting differ with age?
- Does dental visiting differ by socioeconomic status?
- Does dental visiting differ by remoteness area?
- Has dental visiting changed over time?
4 Financial barriers and hardship
- Measures of financial barriers and hardship
- How many dentate people experienced financial barriers or hardship?
- Which indicators of financial barriers or hardship were the most common?
- Does experience of financial barriers or hardship differ by age?
- Does experience of financial barriers or hardship differ by socioeconomic status?
- Does experience of financial barriers or hardship differ by remoteness area?
- Has experience of financial barriers or hardship changed over time?
5 Tooth loss
- Measures of tooth loss
- What was the accumulated burden of tooth loss?
- Does accumulated tooth loss differ by age?
- Does accumulated tooth loss differ by socioeconomic status?
- Does accumulated tooth loss differ by remoteness area?
- Does accumulated tooth loss vary with dental visiting?
- What is the impact of tooth loss?
- Has accumulated tooth loss changed over time?
6 Services received
- Measures of services received
- What services did dentate adults receive?
- Did services differ by age?
- Did services received differ by socioeconomic status?
- Did services received differ by remoteness area?
- Did services received vary by reason for visit?
- Did services received vary by experience of financial barriers or hardship?
- Have services received changed over time?
- What were the reasons for having a tooth extracted?
- Does reason for extraction differ by age?
- Does reason for extraction differ by socioeconomic status?
- Does reason for extraction differ by remoteness area?
7 Perceived need for care
- Measures of perceived need for dental care
- How many adults reported a need for dental care?
- Did perceived need for dental care vary by age?
- Does need for dental care vary by socioeconomic status?
- Does need for dental care vary by remoteness area?
- Has perceived need for care changed over time?
8 International comparisons
9 Synthesis of results
- General picture
- Changes over time
- Differences between men and women
- Differences between age groups
- Differences across geographic location
- Differences between socioeconomic groups
- Differences by financial barriers and hardships
Appendix A: Data used in this report
Appendix B: Data quality statement
Appendix C: Confidence intervals for tables
End matter: Glossary; References; Related publications; List of tables; List of figure