Specialist Homelessness Services analysis

The Specialist Homelessness Servies (SHS) data supplied for the linked dataset used in this project was derived from the Specialist Homelessness Service Collection (SHSC). Data are reported for the period 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2022. The extraction of data from the SHSC used existing linkage maps that included clients up until 30 June 2021. Due to this, data for the 2021–22 financial year only includes existing clients and will not include data for clients who first access SHS in this financial year. Small changes may have occurred since the time that data were extracted for linkage.

Data Specifications

For definitions of terms relating to SHSC data used in this report see the AIHW homelessness topic page glossary.

The SHSC includes data for clients who receive services from specialist homelessness service agencies funded under the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA). Nationally 1,698 agencies delivered specialist homelessness services to almost 278,300 clients during 2020–21, in all states and territories (AIHW 2022).

A specialist homelessness service is an organisation that receives government funding to deliver accommodation related and/or personal services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Under the NHHA, these agencies are required to participate in the SHSC.

Other organisations not directly funded by governments also provide a wide range of support services to people in need; these organisations are not required to provide data to the SHSC. Also, NHHA funded agencies may provide support beyond the NHHA directly funded support packages; this support is also excluded from the SHSC.

The SHSC is a service-based collection, not a demand-based collection. Due to this, any changes should be interpreted as changes to the number of clients serviced by the specialist homelessness agencies, and not be interpreted as changes in the demand for service.

The SHSC is a support period based collection and client level information is derived from information collected at the support period level. A support period is the period of time a client receives services from a SHS agency. A support period starts on the day the client first receives a service and ends when:

  • the relationship between the client and the agency ends, or
  • the client has reached their maximum amount of support the agency can offer, or
  • a client has not received any services from the agency for a whole calendar month and there is no ongoing relationship.

The end of the support period is the day the client last received services from the agency.

Analysis methods