Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Symbols
- Summary
- Body section
- Introduction
- 1.1 The Australian aged care system
- 1.2 Report structure and data sources
- Residential aged care services and provision
- 2.1 Allocated places
- 2.2 Operational places
- 2.3 How are places distributed nationally?
- 2.4 Aged care provision ratios
- 2.5 Residential aged care facilities
- 2.6 Extra Service places
- 2.7 Spending on residential aged care
- Resident characteristics
- 3.1 Age and sex
- 3.2 Geographical location
- 3.3 Marital status
- 3.4 Indigenous status
- 3.5 Country of birth
- 3.6 Preferred languages
- 3.7 Income source
- 3.8 Support for financially disadvantaged residents
- 3.9 Hospital leave
- 3.10 Newly admitted residents
- Patterns of use
- 4.1 Admissions
- 4.2 Separations
- 4.3 Length of stay
- 4.4 Average length of stay
- 4.5 Resident turnover
- 4.6 Usage rates
- 4.7 Occupied place-days
- 4.8 Occupancy rate
- Care needs of residents
- 5.1 Overall level of care needed
- 5.2 ACFI appraisals on admission
- 5.3 ACFI appraisals for permanent residents
- 5.4 ACFI for younger residents
- 5.5 Separation mode by ACFI level of care
- 5.6 Length of stay by ACFI level of care
- 5.7 Health conditions
- 5.8 Dementia and mental illness
- Trends in the use of residential aged care
- 6.1 Overall usage
- 6.2 Admissions, separations, and completed length of stay
- 6.3 Transition from respite care to permanent care
- 6.4 Permanent residents and usage rates by age
- 6.5 Occupancy rates
- Introduction
- End matter
- Appendixes
- Appendix 1: Residential aged care services and provision
- Appendix 2: Resident characteristics
- Appendix 3: Patterns of use
- Appendix 4: Aged Care Funding Instrument
- Appendix 5: Population data
- Appendix 6: Financial support arrangements
- Pre-reform
- 1 October 1997–19 March 2008
- 20 March 2008 onwards
- Appendix 7: Data sources and limitations
- Resident data
- General population data
- Resident information
- Application for classification
- Admission and separation date
- Calculation of provision ratios
- Populations used in the tables in this report
- Data limitations
- Calculations
- Glossary
- References
- List of tables
- List of figures
- List of boxes
- Appendixes