
Heart, stroke and vascular disease – also known as cardiovascular disease or CVD – is a broad term that describes the many different diseases and conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels. The most common and serious types of CVD include coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure. CVD remains a major health problem in Australia, despite declining mortality and hospitalisation rates.

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1 in 9 people (12%) experienced the treatment pathway defined as most comprehensive following an ACS event

Of people with a STEMI diagnosis, those who had the most comprehensive treatment pathway had the best outcomes

People with a NSTEMI diagnosis had the most variation in treatment pathways

In 2018, there were around 29,000 new stroke events – around 79 events every day

In 2018, there were around 40,200 new acute coronary syndrome events – around 110 events every day

Stroke events estimated using the unlinked data were similar to estimates from linked data