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Complaints received and finalised under the Sex Discrimination Act

Measure: The number of complaints received and finalised under the Sex Discrimination Act

  • Baseline value

    561 complaints received; 461 complaints finalised

  • Latest value

    561 complaints received; 461 complaints finalised in 2022–23

Last updated:


An increase in the number of complaints received and finalised may indicate a greater confidence to report from victims but can also be due to legislative changes, which may increase coverage or expand definitions of existing categories of protected persons. An increase in the number of complaints received may not necessarily indicate a greater prevalence of a discrimination in the community.

This measure should be considered alongside other data about the prevalence of discrimination or harassment where available.

Outcome: 1 Systems and institutions effectively support and protect people impacted by gender-based violence (GBV)

Sub-outcome: 1.5 Workplaces are safe from all forms of GBV and are actively preventing sexual harassment and discrimination

Indicator: Increased confidence by people to report sexual harassment and discrimination including racism

Baseline: 2022–23

Latest year: 2022–23

Data source: AHRC Complaint statistics

Source: DSS 2024.

For information about how this measure is derived, please refer to the Technical specifications for National Plan Outcomes.

Additional National Plan Outcomes data are available from the Data downloads page.

Time series

Complaints received and finalised under the Sex Discrimination Act, 2021–22 and 2022–23 (Number)

State and territory

Complaints received

Complaints received under the Sex Discrimination Act, by jurisdiction, 2021–22 and 2022–23 (Number)

Complaints finalised

Complaints finalised under the Sex Discrimination Act, by jurisdiction, 2021–22 and 2022–23 (Number)

Population characteristics


Complaints received

Complaints received under the Sex Discrimination Act, by sex, 2021–22 and 2022–23 (Number)

~: includes sex not specified, joint/multiple complainants, or organisations.

Complaints finalised

Complaints finalised under the Sex Discrimination Act, by sex, 2021–22 and 2022–23 (Number)

~: includes sex not specified, joint/multiple complainants, or organisations.

  1. Previous page People who made a report or complaint about sexual harassment in the workplace