NDIS participants pursuing interests

What is being tracked?

Measure: Proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them

This measure is part of the Social inclusion and participation priority of the Strategy. This priority is about supporting the inclusion of people with disability in their communities.

The desired outcome is that more National Disability Insurance Scheme participants spend free time doing things they enjoy.

This measure will be replaced during the life of the Strategy once available data allow the following to be tracked – number of community, political, social, recreational, sporting, religious and cultural groups that have active inclusion policies for people with disability.

Last updated:

Outcome area: Inclusive homes and communities Priority: Social inclusion and participation

  • Baseline value

    66%in 2021–22 Q2

  • Latest value

    64%in 2023–24 Q3

Regress the measure is not moving in the direction the Strategy wants

View the data source

Has the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them increased over time?

The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them. Data from 2018–19 Q2 to 2023–24 Q3 are used. In 2023–24 Q3, 64% of NDIS participants spent free time doing activities that interest them, compared with 70% in 2018–19 Q2.

Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

State and territory

Does the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them vary between states and territories?

The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them, grouped by Australian states and territories. In 2023–24 Q3, in Tasmania, 72% of NDIS participants spent free time doing activities that interest them, as did 59% in Victoria.

Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

Population groups

How this measure varies by…

  • Does the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them vary for First Nations and non-Indigenous participants?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them, by Indigenous status. In 2023–24 Q3, 59% of First Nations NDIS participants spent free time doing activities that interest them, compared with 64% of non-Indigenous participants.

    Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them vary by gender?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them, for males and females. In 2023–24 Q3, 68% of male NDIS participants spent free time doing activities that interest them, compared with 61% of female participants.

    Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them vary by age?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them, grouped by age. In 2023–24 Q3, 75% of NDIS participants aged 15–24 spent free time doing activities that interest them, as did 57% in the 45–64 age group.

    Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them vary by cultural and linguistic diversity background?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them, by culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) status. In 2023–24 Q3, 55% of NDIS participants from CALD backgrounds spent free time doing activities that interest them, compared with 66% among the non-CALD group.

    Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them vary by remoteness?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them, grouped by remoteness. In 2023–24 Q3, in regional areas with populations between 15,000 and 50,000, 70% of NDIS participants spent free time doing activities that interest them, as did 63% in major cities.

    Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of NDIS participants who spend free time doing activities that interest them vary by disability group?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of NDIS participants (aged 15–64) who spend free time doing activities that interest them, by disability group. In 2023–24 Q3, of participants with Down syndrome, 86% spent free time doing activities that interest them, as did 45% of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability.

    Source: National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – Business Systems | Data source overview

Where did these data come from?

Data on NDIS participants pursuing interests come from administrative data collected by the National Disability Insurance Agency.

Learn more about these data
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