Higher education completion

What is being tracked?

Measure: Proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification

This measure is part of the Participation in tertiary education priority of the Strategy. This priority is about supporting people with disability participate in and complete additional education after high school.

The desired outcome is that more students with disability complete a higher education qualification.

Last updated:

Outcome area: Education and learning Priority: Participation in tertiary education

  • Baseline value

    55%(2016–2021 cohort)

  • Latest value

    55%(2017–2022 cohort)

No change the latest data are similar to the baseline

View the data source

Has the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification increased over time?

The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification. Data for cohorts 2005–2010 to 2017–2022 are used. For cohort 2017–2022, 55% of students with disability completed a higher education qualification, compared with 59% for cohort 2005–2010.

Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

State and territory

Does the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification vary between states and territories?

The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification, grouped by Australian states and territories. For cohort 2017–2022, 60% of students with disability in Victoria completed a higher education qualification, compared with 48% in both Queensland and Tasmania.

Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

Population groups

How this measure varies by…

  • Does the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification vary for First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification, by Indigenous status. For cohort 2017–2022, 39% of First Nations students with disability completed a higher education qualification, compared with 55% of non-Indigenous students.

    Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification vary by gender?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification, for males and females. For cohort 2017–2022, 52% of male students with disability completed a higher education qualification, compared with 56% of females.

    Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification vary by age?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification, grouped by age. For cohort 2017–2022, 61% of students with disability aged 15–24 completed a higher education qualification, compared with 35% in the 65 and over age group.

    Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification vary by language background?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification, by language background. For cohort 2017–2022, 54% of students from an English-speaking background (ESB) with disability completed a higher education qualification, compared with 65% among the students from a non-English speaking background (NESB).

    Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification vary by remoteness?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification, grouped by remoteness. For cohort 2017–2022, in major cities, 56% of students with disability completed a higher education qualification, compared with 44% in remote and very remote areas.

    Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

  • Does the proportion of students with disability who complete a higher education qualification vary by disability group?

    The data in the graph and the table below show the proportion of students with disability (aged 15 and over) who complete a higher education qualification, by disability group. For cohort 2017–2022, of students with vision disability, 60% completed a higher education qualification, compared with 49% of students with mobility disability.

    Source: Higher Education Statistics Collection (HESC) | Data source overview

Where did these data come from?

Data on higher education completion come from administrative data collected by the Australian Government Department of Education.

Learn more about these data
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