The 3 main causes of vision loss for Indigenous Australians were refractive error, cataract and diabetic retinopathy.
Indigenous Australians suffered from vision loss at 2.8 times the rate of non-Indigenous Australians
Between 2007–09 and 2015–17, the rate of cataract surgery for Indigenous Australians increased by over 40%.
Hospitalisation rates for cataract surgery for Indigenous Australians were higher in regional than in metropolitan areas.
Chapter 1: How do eye health problems affect Indigenous Australians?
Chapter 2: How are eye health problems identified?
Chapter 3: How are eye health problems treated?
Chapter 4: Spotlight on trachoma
Chapter 5: What is the size and location of the eye health workforce?
Chapter 6: What support is provided through outreach programs?
End matter: References