Family and domestic assault reported to police

Physical and sexual assault, including incidents within family or domestic relationships, may be reported to, and recorded by police. Examining whether police are contacted following family and domestic assault can provide an indication of reporting levels and utilisation of police services. Data on whether police were contacted (by the victim or another person) after an experience of family and domestic assault, as well as reasons for not contacting, are available from the ABS Personal Safety Survey (PSS).  The PSS collects information on the experiences of violence for women and men in Australia.

The visualisation below shows whether the most recent incident of physical and/or sexual assault by a family member or intimate partner in the last 10 years was reported to police, for female victims. It shows police were contacted in relation to around 1 in 3 (or 32%) female family and domestic physical assaults by a male, 1 in 6 (17%) female family and domestic physical assaults by a female and 1 in 7 (14%) female family and domestic sexual assaults by a male. Data for victims of sexual assault by a female, and male victims of sexual assault by a male are not available due to data quality issues.

Police contacted after most recent incident of family and domestic assault, females, 2016

Examining reasons why people choose not to contact police after family and domestic assault can provide insight into how victims can be better supported and encouraged to seek help.

The visualisation below shows the reasons why female victims did not contact police following their most recent incident of family and domestic assault in the last 10 years. For female family and domestic physical assault and sexual assault by a male, the two most common reasons police were not contacted were, ‘Felt like they could deal with it themselves’ and ‘Did not regard the incident as a serious offence’. Data for males and some violence types are not available due to data quality issues.

Reasons police not contacted after most recent incident of family and domestic assault, females, 2016

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