PDF table of contents

  • Preliminary material 
    • Title and verso pages
    • Foreword
    • Preface
    • Introduction
    • Contents
  • Sections
    • Diabetes (Clinical) DSS
    • Data Elements Included
      • Blindness - Diabetes Complication
      • Blood Pressure - Diastolic Measured
      • Blood Pressure - Systolic Measured
      • Cardiovascular Medication - Current
      • Cataract - History
      • Cerebral Stroke Due To Vascular Disease - History
      • Cholesterol-HDL - Measured
      • Cholesterol-Total - Measured
      • Coronary Artery Disease - History Of Intervention Or Procedure
      • Creatinine Serum - Measured
      • Date Of Birth
      • Diabetes Status
      • Diabetes Therapy Type
      • Dyslipidaemia - Treatment
      • Erectile Dysfunction
      • Fasting Status
      • Foot Deformity
      • Foot Lesion - Active
      • Foot Ulcer - Current
      • Foot Ulcer - History
      • Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) - Measured
      • Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) - Upper Limit Of Normal Range
      • Health Professionals Attended - Diabetes Mellitus
      • Height - Measured
      • Hypertension - Treatment
      • Hypoglycaemia - Severe
      • Indigenous Status
      • Initial Visit - Diabetes Mellitus
      • Lower Limb Amputation Due To Vascular Disease
      • Microalbumin - Units
      • Microalbumin - Upper Limit Of Normal Range
      • Microalbumin/Protein - Measured
      • Myocardial Infarction - History
      • Ophthalmological Assessment - Outcome
      • Ophthalmoscopy - Performed
      • Peripheral Neuropathy - Status
      • Peripheral Vascular Disease In Feet - Status
      • Pregnancy - Current Status
      • Referred To Ophthalmologist - Diabetes Mellitus
      • Renal Disease - End-Stage, Diabetes Complication
      • Service Contact Date
      • Sex
      • Tobacco Smoking Status - Diabetes Mellitus
      • Triglycerides - Measured
      • Visual Acuity
      • Weight - Measured
      • Year Insulin Started
      • Year Of Diagnosis Of Diabetes Mellitus
    • Supporting Data Elements And Data Element Concepts
      • Blood Pressure - Concept
      • Service Contact