
Regular physical activity and a healthy diet are important factors in maintaining a healthy weight. Ensuring that you get enough exercise is also an important factor in preventing and managing chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Featured reports

Latest findings

A 1-unit BMI reduction could reduce disease burden attributable to overweight (including obesity) by 11% in 2030

An extra hour of weekly activity could reduce disease burden attributable to physical inactivity by 16% in 2030

13,400 deaths could be prevented if the obese population reduced their BMI to a healthy range

$2.4 billion was spent on diseases caused by physical inactivity, the fourth highest spending risk factor in 2018-19

$1.7 billion in disease spending was prevented by physical activity, including sport, in Australia in 2018-19

$149 million was spent on osteoarthritis following sport and physical activity injuries in 2018-19

More reports and statistics on physical activity can be found under Food & nutrition and Overweight & obesity.