Latest reports

Stress and trauma 

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Stress and trauma affect the physical and emotional wellbeing of millions of Australians. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold and there is a significant amount of uncertainty, it is normal for people to experience symptoms of emotional distress.

Australian Burden of Disease Study 2023 

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Every year in Australia, millions of years of healthy life are lost because of injury, illness or premature deaths. This loss of healthy life is called the ‘burden of disease’. Information on burden of disease and injuries is important for monitoring population health and provides an evidence base to inform health policy and service planning.

The Australian Burden of Disease Study 2023 includes national estimates for 220 diseases and injuries in 2023 based on projections using historical trends in data.

First Nations people with asthma 

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Asthma is the most common respiratory condition reported by First Nations people and is a significant cause of poor health and health service use. This web article presents the latest available data on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people with asthma.

Juvenile arthritis  

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Juvenile arthritis, or juvenile idiopathic arthritis, includes several different kinds of arthritis occurring in children and adolescents, causing significant pain, disability and restrictions in school and other activities. Some will continue to have active disease into adulthood. Up to 30,100 Australians aged 0–24 are living with arthritis, and it is more common among girls than boys.


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Endometriosis is an inflammatory condition that can be painful, affect fertility and lead to reduced participation in school, work and social activities. Around 1 in 7 women born in 1973–78 were diagnosed with endometriosis by age 44–49.

This report brings together the latest data to highlight the impact of endometriosis in Australia. It includes information on prevalence, hospitalisations, emergency department presentations, burden of disease and health system expenditure.

National Cervical Screening Program monitoring report 2023 

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This is the fifth report to monitor the National Cervical Screening Program since it introduced 5-yearly HPV tests in December 2017. In 2018–2022, there were more than 5.2 million participants aged 25–74, and in 2022, 10% of screening HPV tests performed were positive for HPV types that cause cervical cancer. Cervical cancer incidence and mortality remained low at 11 new cases and 2 deaths per 100,000 women, respectively.

Geographical variation in health service use by people living with dementia 

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Where people with dementia live affects their use of health care services. This report presents data at 4 geographical levels: remoteness area, socioeconomic area, Statistical Area level 4 (SA4) region and state/ territory. Users can explore general practitioner, specialist and allied health attendances, medicines dispensed, emergency department visits, hospital stays and residential respite care use among people living with dementia in the community and in permanent residential aged care in 2019.

Hip fracture care pathways in Australia 

Publication |

This report uses linked National Integrated Health Services Information data to describe the characteristics of a cohort of first hip fracture patients, their discharge pathway and rate of readmission, second hip fracture and mortality following hip fracture.
The data are presented for the reference period between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2017, which establishes a baseline that will allow future population monitoring work on hip fracture incidence, management and outcomes.

Mesothelioma in Australia 2022 

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Mesothelioma in Australia 2022– infocus presents the latest available information on the incidence of mesothelioma in Australia, along with mortality and asbestos exposure information, using data from the Australian Mesothelioma Registry, the National Mortality Database and the Australian Cancer Database. On average, 2 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma in Australia each day – with a median age at diagnosis of 75 years old.

Health of refugees and humanitarian entrants in Australia 

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The unique experiences of refugees and humanitarian entrants prior to their arrival in Australia can have a significant impact on their health outcomes. Understanding the health status, health care needs and health service use of humanitarian entrants can provide vital information to inform policies and services for these diverse populations.

This web report presents data on the health outcomes, health service use and causes of death for humanitarian entrants who arrived in Australia from 2000 to 2020.