Latest reports

Osteoporosis and minimal trauma fractures 

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Osteoporosis (meaning 'porous bones') is a condition that causes bones to become thin, weak and fragile. As a result, even a minor bump or accident can cause a fracture (broken bone). Such events might include falling out of a bed or chair, or tripping and falling while walking. Fractures due to osteoporosis can result in chronic pain, disability, loss of independence and premature death.

Physical activity 

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Staying active is essential for good physical and mental health and wellbeing. Insufficient physical activity is a key risk factor contributing to disease burden in Australia. Regular physical activity can help manage many biomedical risk factors such as high body weight, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. This report looks at the level of physical activity in Australian children and adults against Australia’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines.

Rheumatoid arthritis 

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Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect anyone at any age, and may cause significant pain and disability.

Diabetes: Australian facts 

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Diabetes: Australian facts provides key information for monitoring diabetes in the Australian population, focussing on diabetes risk factors, major subtypes, treatment and impact. The report includes information on incidence, prevalence, hospitalisation and deaths, with additional analysis of priority population groups. An interactive data tool allows for further exploration of available data.

This report is regularly updated with data from a range of sources. There are differences in the source year and frequency of publication. See Data sources and Notes for more information.

Heart, stroke and vascular disease: Australian facts 

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Heart, stroke and vascular disease: Australian facts provides key information for monitoring cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the Australian population, focussing on cardiovascular risk factors, major subtypes, treatment and impact. Incidence, prevalence, hospitalisation and mortality are described for each disease, with additional analysis of priority population groups. An interactive data tool allows for further exploration of CVD hospitalisation and mortality data.

This report is regularly updated with data from a range of sources. There are differences in the source year and frequency of publication. See Data sources and Notes for more information. 

Overweight and obesity 

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Overweight or obesity is the second leading risk factor (after tobacco use) for many preventable chronic conditions, such as heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes. More Australians in disadvantaged areas are living with overweight or obesity. Over the last decade, the proportion of adults living with obesity has also increased. This web report provides an overview of the prevalence of Australians living with overweight or obesity.

National bowel cancer screening program monitoring report 2024 

Publication |

This report presents statistics on the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) using key performance indicators. Of those who were invited to participate in the NBCSP between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2022, 40% undertook screening. Among those who screened in 2022, 6% had a positive result warranting further assessment. Of the participants who underwent a follow-up diagnostic assessment, 1 in 25 was diagnosed with a confirmed or suspected cancer.

Deaths in Australia 

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Deaths data are a vital measure of a population’s health and provide information on patterns of diseases that cause death, by population groups and over time. Examining death patterns can help explain differences and changes in health status, evaluate health strategies, and guide planning and policy-making.

This web report presents updated data to 2022 on deaths, causes of death and life expectancy in Australia.

General Record of Incidence of Mortality (GRIM) books 

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GRIM books are Excel workbooks that contain national level, historical and recent mortality data for specific causes of death. The tables present age- and sex-specific counts and rates by cause of death, along with other summary measures.

GRIM books are available for all causes of death combined and 55 other cause of death groupings.

Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books 

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MORT books are Excel workbooks that contain recent mortality data for specific geographical areas of Australia, sourced from the AIHW National Mortality Database. The workbooks also present the leading 20 causes of death by sex for specific geographical areas of Australia.