Approved projects and status

The National Integrated Health Services Information (NIHSI) has transitioned to the National Health Data Hub (NHDH).




Short summary


The last year of life: health service use, patterns, and expenditure


The project has been established to measure and compare the patterns of health service use of Australian in their last year of life.

Report released: The last year of life: patterns in health service use and expenditure


Treatment patterns and medications for patients with coronary heart disease (Phase 2)


To examine the patterns of use of health services post coronary heart disease (CHD) related hospitalisation and the association with patient outcomes.

Report released: Medication use for secondary prevention after coronary heart disease hospitalisations: Patient pathways using linked data

Report released: Treatment pathways for people hospitalised for acute coronary syndrome


Better cardiac care measures for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: additional analyses


The aim of this project is to use linked data available in the NIHSI to explore differences in service utilisation and patient journeys for selected cardiac conditions among Indigenous people and non-Indigenous people

Report release: Better Cardiac Care measures for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: eighth annual report 2023


Patterns of health service use before and after a potentially preventable hospitalisation


The project will use data linkage to analyse patterns of health service use before and after a potentially preventable hospitalisation.


Using linked hospitals data to improve reporting on chronic conditions and associated complications


The project will aim to improve our understanding of the prevalence of vascular disease conditions, and the associated treatments and complications using linked hospitals data.


Evaluation of the Comprehensive Palliative Care in Aged Care Measure


The objective of this project is to produce outputs that inform the evaluation of the Comprehensive Palliative Care in Aged Care Measure.


Hospitalisations, aged care transitions and health outcomes among people with dementia


This project consists of 3 pieces of analysis looking at hospitalisations, transitions to aged care and health outcomes among people with dementia. All three projects are funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health as part of the NCMD.

Report release: Dementia in Australia: GP and specialist services

Transitions to residential aged care after hospital for people living with dementia

Geographical variation in health service use by people living with dementia


Incidence of cardiovascular disease in Australia: data for recalibrating the Australian cardiovascular disease risk score


The purpose of this project is to estimate cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence for VIC, QLD, SA, ACT combined using the NIHSI to validate methods for extrapolating of national estimates of CVD incidence from NSW Hospitalisations and deaths data.


Patterns of health service use by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who die by suicide


The project will explore patterns of health service use by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the last years of life before their death by suicide.


Chronic condition multimorbidity reporting


This project aims to inform our understanding of multimorbidity in Australia by identifying groups of chronic conditions that commonly occur together, and exploring how their co-occurrence affects treatment, management, and health outcomes for people with multimorbidity.


Australian population-NDI-Hospital’s comparator analysis (for the health and welfare data analysis to support the Defence and Veteran Suicide Royal Commission and ongoing DVA-AIHW work program).


The main objective of this analysis is to improve understanding of the use of hospital-based services by the Australian veteran population including comparison to the Australian population.


Health service use for people requiring palliative care


This project aims to capture palliative care services provided in specialist and non-specialist palliative care settings by using NIHSI AA to identify a palliative care cohort and then all services used by this cohort.


Exploring stroke prevalence using linked data


The aims of this project are to:
compare stroke prevalence estimates and demographic characteristics of people who were identified as having stroke in the NIHSI AA, 2018 Survey of Disability and Aged Care (SDAC), 2021 Census and other data sources use linked data to explore reporting of stroke prevalence for priority populations and to explore stroke identification between data sources.


Treatment and management of heart failure


The primary objective is to explore the demographic and clinical characteristics of those hospitalised with heart failure (HF). In addition we will describe comorbidities medication use, contact with community-based health care and health outcome following hospital discharge among those hospitalised with HF.


Examination of Health service use among young people hospitalised for FDV


For people hospitalised for family and domestic violence at least one prior to their 18th birthday, this project will examine:
Demographic characteristics, hospital stays (family and domestic violence and all cause stays) Emergency department activity (number of presentations and diagnoses), GP contact, medical imaging rates, and the rate and cause of death.
These results will be compared with a matched comparison group, drawn from the hospitalisation data.


Refugee and Humanitarian Entrant Health Project


The purpose of this project is to develop data and information that will help to bridge this data gap and inform the design and delivery of health care services for this population group.


Patterns of mental health-related service use over time


The proposed mental health services NIHSI project will examine the volume and type of mental health-related services used by people over time. The planned analysis aims to identify the first mental health-related contact for an individual and the setting in which it occurred, for example, emergency department, general practitioner and so forth. The data will then be examined prospectively and retrospectively in terms of the type and volume of services utilised over time.


Chronic respiratory conditions monitoring


This project aims to: 

  • Explore the impact of respiratory conditions on priority populations (such as children, young and older people) and/or topics of interest as agreed with the Department of Heath and Aged Care and the AIHW National Asthma and other Chronic Respiratory Conditions Monitoring Advisory Group. 
  • Develop a patient-centred understanding of respiratory conditions across the life course.
  • Monitor and report on the health service use of people with respiratory conditions, including describing their health journey, medication and service use as well as the comorbidity status of patients with certain respiratory conditions before, during and after hospitalisation.
  • The findings of this work can be used to support better healthcare delivery and management of respiratory conditions.


Supporting the maintenance and development of the NIHSI by the AIHW NIHSI team. 


The purpose of this project proposal is to support the maintenance and ongoing development of the NHDH by the AIHW NHDH team


The use of linked data to improve point prevalence estimates and identification of co-morbidities for the Australian Burden of Disease Study 2026 (ABDS 2026) and the First Nations Burden of Disease Study 2022 (FNBoD 2022).


The project aims to improve the point prevalence estimates for a number of disease sequelae as part of the ABDS 2026 and FNBoD 2022 using linked hospitals, deaths, AIR, MBS and PBS data.


Data linkage project: National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement


The main focus of this project is to provide analytical outputs to support the development of suitable measures and indicators specified in the National Agreement.


Harnessing academic expertise: end-of-life care

Department of Health and Aged Care

The objective is to use the NIHSI to understand Australians' use of government services at the end-of-life, including settings in which services are provided and their appropriateness.


Healthy mind, healthy body

Department of Health and Aged Care

This project aims to build knowledge and a better understanding of the of the association between physical health conditions and mental health conditions.


COVID-19 recovery response: Identifying opportunities to help patient groups who have received less than their usual levels of health care and as such are at risk of poorer health outcomes.

Department of Health and Aged Care

This project aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the typical healthcare pathways for people with chronic conditions both physical and mental using historical NIHSI data. This information will form the baseline for comparison of what is currently happening using non-NIHSI sources of data. While NIHSI does not cover the period of COVID-19 it will provide a historical baseline of what has typically happened to patients with different conditions.


Department of Health Priority Investment Approach (HOME Project (Health Outcomes Modelling and Evaluation Project))

Department of Health and Aged Care

Under the Residential Aged Care Quality and Safety – Improving access to primary care and other health services measure, the department (Ageing Policy, Research and Reporting Section together with Health Economics Section in HERD) will develop an investment approach longitudinal model.
The primary use case for the investment approach is to enable the department to develop options and advice on prevention strategies to support better outcomes later in life, including delaying or diverting entry into the aged care system. It will also help build a better evidence base to improve outcomes and transitions between health and aged care settings.


Strengthening Medicare

Department of Health and Aged Care

This project intends to use integrated data to inform how the planning, provision, and monitoring of Commonwealth-funded primary care services (or packages of services) can better contribute to improved health outcomes and overall health system efficiency for people living in Australia, both at a population level and within specific priority groups


Patient Pathways Project

Department of Health and Aged Care

The Department of Health and Aged Care is committed to improving health outcomes for Australians, by providing better coordinated and joined up care across the community, primary care and acute care settings and ensuring the future sustainability of Australia’s health system.


Primary care and PPH care use

NSW Ministry of Health

The aim of this project is to examine the variation in association between primary care utilisation and different types of hospitalisations, ED presentations by population and patient groups with varied health needs and different levels of risk for secondary care.


Healthcare needs for young people with chronic conditions transitions from paediatric to adult services 

NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation

The objective of this project is to establish a systematic and state-wide view of young people (14 to 25 years) with chronic conditions/disability transitioning from paediatric to adult health services in NSW. The project will measure the number of young people with chronic conditions of interest, use of healthcare services and identify gaps in services that these young people require.


Informing Patients, clinicians and policy makers about the benefit of new models of care

NSW Bureau of Health Information

The purpose of this work is to put new information in the hands of patients, clinicians and policy makers about the experiences and outcomes of new models of care with a focus on initiatives implemented or ‘scaled up’ in the pandemic with high potential for inclusion in a longer-term health system reform agenda.


Frailty progression, prevalence and associated healthcare use in NSW

NSW Bureau of Health Information

The primary objectives of this study are to:

  • Measure the prevalence of frailty.
  • Describe the initiation and progression of frailty.
  • Measure healthcare utilisation associated with frailty, as well as the factors contributing to healthcare needs and use (e.g. demographics, service characteristics) and their variation across care providers and areas where people live.
  • Predict future demands for healthcare services related to frailty.
  • Measure the impact of potential interventions on disease progression and health service demand.


Inquiry into the provision of palliative care services in South Australia

SA Health

Analysis of data from NIHSI is intended to contribute to the project’s objectives by enabling summary statistics and explanatory narrative on palliative care in SA and elsewhere in Australia, including trends over time in:

  • Locations, causes and ages of deaths, including the prevalence of amenable mortality
  • The provision of Medicare- and state-funded services in the last year and final months of life, including analyses of models of care and patient journeys throughout that period 
  • Costs of providing palliative care services, end of life care and other health care services in the approach to end of life


Understanding system demand, relationships and individual outcomes to reduce system pressure, enhance system sustainability, and deliver better healthcare

SA Health

Utilising MBS and PBS data sources, combined hospital-based events, and aged care services data, we aim to better understand the reasons underpinning the demand which contributes to ambulance ramping and emergency department pressures, to better understand the health-related factors driving this demand, and to identify appropriate services supportive of informed decision-making in the personalised healthcare environment.


Transitions between aged care and hospital

Tasmanian Department of Health

The objective of this project is to use aged care, death, MBS and hospital data to quantify the impact on public hospitals of persons transitions to aged care, particularly the extent to which patterns of health care use during transition periods differ from non-transition periods.


Rates of RACF in QLD in-patient data by geographical area

Queensland Department of Health

To inform policy questions and aspects of service provision, QLD Health has attempted to:
identify RAC patients in their inpatient data collection (QHAPDC) by matching the patient address to known RACF locations around QLD. The NIHSI AA data will be used to attach RAC patient details to inpatient data for QLD and report the rate of RAC patients in QLD inpatient data by a geographical area. The NIHSI AA data will then be used to compare to the rates QLD Health have derived by matching address details to evaluate the effectiveness.


Models of care and planning

Queensland Department of Health

The objective of the project is to understand the existing interplay between primary and acute care and areas of need for alternative models of care. The data is intended for use by the Queensland Health Reform Office and System Planning Branch to understand patterns of health service provision, including chronic disease management, primary care access, and health risks for patient cohorts and to assist with health service planning.


Healthcare productivity measurement

Productivity Commission

This project is examining ways that such productivity statistics could be improved to better reflect patents' experiences of the healthcare system.


Chronic disease surveillance - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


The project aims to develop multi-source algorithms to estimate the frequency of COPD within Australian population and to develop a system to monitor the frequency of COPD.

Report released: Strengthening national COPD monitoring using linked health services data

On hold

Using linked data to explore incidence measures of kidney failure


This project aims to explore the agreement between hospitalisation and death records of people who have either a hospitalisation or death record of kidney failure (KF). A previous AIHW analysis of linked data from WA and NSW showed that 69% and 88% of people with a hospitalisation involving KF did not have KF recorded on their death certificate, and 40% and 23% of people with KF recorded on their death certificate did not have KF recorded on their hospital record.

On hold

Antidepressant use and suicide risk in young people

Department of Health and Aged Care

The project seeks to estimate the change in suicide risk in young people (18-25 years inclusive) associated with taking antidepressant medication. This will be compared to the change in other age groups.

On hold

Impact of participation in the My Health Record (MHR) and health service use/outcomes


To support the evidence based for the ongoing funding of the My Health Record system; the Australian Digital Health Agency wishes to evaluate the performance of the MHR System.


Hip fracture care pathways in Australia


To use linked data to explore the outcomes of patient journeys of hospitalised hip fracture patients.

Report released: Hip fracture care pathways in Australia


Chronic disease surveillance - cardiovascular disease (CVD)


The project aims to use linked data to validate previously developed algorithms for stroke and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) events and estimate incidence of stroke and ACS in the Australian population.

Report released: Estimating the incidence of stroke and acute coronary syndrome using the National Integrated Health Services Information Analysis Asset


The use of linked data to improve point prevalence estimates for the Australian Burden of Disease Study 2018 


The project aims to improve the point prevalence estimates for a number of disease sequelae as part of the ABDS 2018 using linked hospitals, deaths, MBS and PBS data.


Health Service use following intracranial injury


The projects aim to prepare a report on health care pathways following an intracranial injury, to be released as a web-based bulletin on the AIHW website.

Report released: Health service use for patients with traumatic brain injury


Health service utilisation by people with dementia in Australia


The project aims to examine health service utilisation by people with dementia in Australia in a single year using linked data.

Report released: Dementia in Australia - Health services used by people with dementia


Determining performance and analytical requirements to optimise use of the NIHSI AA within an approved Host Environment


The purpose of this project is to assess the hosting, processing and analytical capabilities of a secure host environment against the optimal requirements for analyst using the NIHSI.


Analysis of NIHSI AA data for Comcare project


Phase 1: The objective of this project is to use the NIHSI to identify records where the funding source is workers' compensation and track treatment over time and through services to examine whether there are differences in hospital treatment between patients funded by workers' compensation and those with funding sources, for selected injuries/illness.
Phase 2: The purpose of this deliverable is to identify and describe the patterns of mental health related service use across MBS, PBS, and hospital collections. These patterns are then to be compared with the patterns of service use by Comcare claimants.


Dementia pathways through primary care and aged care among newly diagnosed and younger onset dementia cohorts


This project aims to explore pathways through primary care and other health services for people newly diagnosed with early dementia and pathways to residential aged care for people with younger onset dementia.

Report released: Younger onset dementia: new insights using linked data

Report released: Predicting early dementia using Medicare claims: a feasibility study using the National Integrated Health Services Information Analysis Asset


Examination of repeat family and domestic violence victimisation


This project aims to analyse the number of people hospitalised and re-hospitalised for family and domestic violence. Comparisons in hospitalisations, diagnosis, injuries, and deaths will be made between the FDV cohort and a matched control group.

Report released: Examination of hospital stays due to family and domestic violence 2010–11 to 2018–19


Using NHDH to develop improved weighting methods to estimate Indigenous health expenditure.


The AIHW have undertaken analysis to produce Indigenous health expenditure estimates for a number of years and these estimates are reported as part of the Indigenous Health Performance Framework reporting.


Towards an Australian COVID-19 register and linked dataset.


The project looks at health risks for particular patient cohorts (i.e. those admitted to hospital for COVID-19 and similar control groups)
long COVID (which can be considered as a chronic disease) disease management- patterns of service provision following COVID–19 diagnosis compared to similar control cohorts facilitate data quality activities of linked data in relation to patient journeys in the context of the Australian health system provide a full population-level comparison on patient journeys, to assess efficiency and effectiveness of the health and residential aged care systems during and prior to the pandemic develop analytical methods to inform other existing linkage projects.


Health care service use and pathways for younger people in residential aged care (YPIRAC)


The broad aim of this research project is to comprehensively describe the circumstances of younger people YPIRAC (aged under 65), including their pathways in to and out of residential aged care.

Report released: Health services used by younger people living in residential aged care


Juvenile arthritis


This project will update and expand on statistics presented in the previous juvenile arthritis web report (AIHW 2020).

For phase 1 of the project, we anticipate using NIHSI to report counts of people admitted to hospital.
For phase 2 we plan to report on patient care pathways across data collections, and potentially perform other exploratory analysis that may result in report outputs.

Report released: Chronic musculoskeletal conditions: Juvenile arthritis


Analysis of person linked administrative records to improve injury surveillance methods and estimates at national level in Australia


The main objectives of this project are to deliver to the AIHW improved methods for use in ongoing injury surveillance, including:
Estimate population-based incidence of all admitted injury and of HTTL injury based on linked administrative data, and compare these estimates with estimates based on non-linked NHMD alone Determine whether analysis of linked records can enable a method to be identified that can be applied using non-linked data (i.e. NHMD alone) and which outperforms the current usual method of case estimation (i.e. omitting episodes in which the mode of admission is inward transfer from another acute care hospital).


The effect of PBS rifaximin treatment on patient hospitalisation rate and duration

Department of Health

The project seeks to examine the frequency and duration of hospitalisations for hepatic encepatholopathy (HE) for patients with chronic liver failure, distinguishing between patients that have been treated with PBS rifaximin and those who have not.


Using Machine Learning to Group Similar Medical Codes and Analyse Patient Treatment Pathways

Department of Health

This project aims to use big data and machine learning techniques to extract relationships between the medical codes used to identify clinical concepts in administrative health records, and to identify similarities between the patient journeys captured in these records.


Impact of opioid use on patient outcomes in Australia

Department of Health

This project will investigate the variations in prescription opioid dispensing patterns and service utilisation between different groups of patients and the factors that are likely to be best targeted through interventions.


Estimating the real human health impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Australia

Department of Health

The project aims to identify the circumstances and frequency with which antibiotic resistance is screened and/or detected in the community and hospital settings. It will help to answer the questions relating to how often antibiotics are prescribed in the absence of pathology.


Investigating and Evaluating Healthcare Neighbourhoods

NSW Health

The project will use NIHSI data for further understand the effectiveness of specific mechanisms in supporting more integrated care and demonstrate whether more integrated care provided through healthcare neighbourhoods delivers improved clinical outcomes in both primary and acute care.


Patterns of health service utilisation in patients with chronic disease in NSW

NSW Health

Observational research using linked health administrative datasets can demonstrate the opportunities to obtain a comprehensive picture of complex patterns of health events for patients with chronic disease in a real-world setting.


Wellbeing SA health needs assessment

SA Health

Wellbeing SA as a new entity within SA will do an assessment to support strategic planning and set baseline data to support program development and initiative roll-out. The NIHSI will allow for the first time the overlay of SA population major health service utilisation by demographic and regional profile


Intentional self-harm/suicide

SA Health

Using the NIHSI to investigate South Australian patients who have experienced at least one intention self-harm or suicide ideation their MBS/PBS hospital interactions to look for statistic significant factors.


End of life care

SA Health

To meet policy planning and state strategic objectives with respect of end of life care this project will examine last 12 months of life undertaking a look back from death.


Hospital in the Home patients

SA Health

SA health is looking to expand its use of community/hospital in the home type services as it is believed to be more consumer focussed and effective model of care. However, we do not believe there is good local evidence as to whether patients receiving hospital in the home services have better outcomes.
No work has been done in SA to consider whether patients that receive hospital in the home care are more likely to represent to ED or inpatient use their GP more or experience some other adverse outcome the analysis may also investigate which cohorts are better suited to hospital in the home type services. All NIHSI AA datasets will be used, including cause of heath to assist with risk proofing of patient cohorts and to adjust for various factors.


Strategic Commissioning for improved health outcomes - an examination of the resourcing accessibility, safety, quality, and effectiveness of SA patient’s continuum of care

SA Health

A number of tools will be developed to support strategic commissioning, funding, planning and monitoring thereof, of services to improve health outcomes across South Australia in congruence with driving improvements in allocative efficiency.
