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Australia's health performance framework

The Australian Health Performance Framework (AHPF) is a tool for reporting on the health of Australians, the performance of health care in Australia and the Australian health system. The indicators within the framework can be disaggregated and analysed through selected population groups, providing a rich source of information at the National, State and Territory and local levels (where data available).

Determinants of health

Health system

Health status


Latest data updates

May 2024

  • Accessibility: Waiting times for elective surgery: waiting times in days
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for elective surgery: proportion admitted within clinically recommended time
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for elective surgery: percentage waited more than 365 days
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: proportion seen on time
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: waiting times to commencement of clinical care
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: percentage of patients whose length of emergency department stay is 4 hours or less
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: time spent in the emergency department
  • Health Condition: Incidence of heart attacks
  • Effectiveness: Cancer Screening Rates

February 2024

  • Deaths: Infant and young child mortality rate
  • Deaths: Major causes of death
  • Deaths: Mortality due to suicide
  • Effectiveness: Potentially avoidable deaths
  • Health Behaviours: Unsafe sharing of needles
  • Health Conditions: Incidence of sexually transmissible diseases and blood borne viruses

November 2023

  • Health Conditions: Incidence of sexually-transmissible infections and blood-borne viruses

June 2023

  • Socioeconomic Factors: Educational attainment for non-school qualification at Certificate III level or above
  • Effectiveness: Immunisation rates for vaccines in the national schedule
  • Effectiveness: Selected potentially preventable hospitalisations
  • Effectiveness: Survival of people diagnosed with cancer
  • Safety: Adverse events treated in hospital
  • Safety: Healthcare associated Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections
  • Accessibility: Waiting time for elective surgery: waiting times in days
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for elective surgery: proportion admitted within clinically recommended times
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for elective surgery: percentage waited more than 365 days
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: proportion seen on time
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: waiting times to commencement of clinical care
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: proportion of patients whose length of emergency department stay is 4 hours or less
  • Accessibility: Waiting times for emergency department care: time spent in the emergency department
  • Health Conditions: Incidence of selected cancers
  • Health Conditions: Hospitalisation for injury and poisoning
  • Health Conditions: Notifications of selected childhood diseases

February 2023

  • Effectiveness: Cancer screening rates
  • Health conditions: Incidence of heart attacks (acute coronary events)
  • Safety: Sentinel events

December 2022

  • Accessibility: Waiting times for elective surgery: waiting times in days
  • Waiting times for elective surgery: proportion admitted within clinically recommended time
  • Waiting times for elective surgery: percentage waited more than 365 days
  • Waiting times for emergency department care: proportion seen on time
  • Waiting times for emergency department care: waiting time to commencement of clinical care
  • Waiting times for emergency department care: percentage of patients whose length of emergency department stay is 4 hours or less
  • Waiting times for emergency department care: time spent in the emergency department

November 2022

  • Effectiveness: Females with an antenatal visit in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Health conditions: Proportion of babies born with low birthweight

September 2022

  • Deaths: Infant and young child mortality rate
  • Deaths: Life expectancy
  • Deaths: Major causes of death
  • Deaths: Mortality due to suicide
  • Effectiveness: Potentially avoidable deaths
  • Unsafe sharing of needles

Download data

Excel data file for all AHPF indicators [4MB XLSX]

Framework overview

Framework overview [600KB PDF]

This document includes descriptions about the domains, dimensions and where the indicators have been assigned.

framework document

Please provide any feedback using the feedback button at the top right-hand side of the web page to let us know what types of information best suit your needs or how the presentation of the indicators might be improved.

This initial set of 45 indicators are presented at a National, State and Territory and local level (where data available). Results for some indicators are disaggregated by population subgroups, such as sex and age groups.

Note: There are currently no indicators under the dimension of appropriateness such as those measuring the patient experience. The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is working to develop indicators for this dimension. The AIHW will continue to develop and improve on the performance indicators, data and information that is reported. Seeking input from stakeholders, such as Commonwealth and State/Territory government agencies, clinicians, consumers, the private sector and academics.