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Australia's health performance framework

The Australian Health Performance Framework (AHPF) is a tool for reporting on the health of Australians, the performance of health care in Australia and the Australian health system. The indicators within the framework can be disaggregated and analysed through selected population groups, providing a rich source of information at the National, State and Territory and local levels (where data available).

Determinants of health

Health system

Health status


This initial set of 45 indicators are presented at a National, State and Territory and local level (where data available). Results for some indicators are disaggregated by population subgroups, such as sex and age groups.

The AIHW will continue to develop and improve on the performance indicators, data and information that is reported. Seeking input from stakeholders, such as Commonwealth and State/Territory government agencies, clinicians, consumers, the private sector and academics.

Learn more about the framework >


  1. Indicators are not currently available for all domains and dimensions within the AHPF framework.
  2. There are currently no indicators under the dimension of appropriateness such as those measuring the patient experience. The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is working to develop indicators for this dimension.

Download data

Excel data file for all AHPF indicators [4MB XLSX]

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