Patterns in PBS medicines by remoteness

Information about remoteness is summarised in this report by Australian Statistical Geographical Standard (ASGS) for Remoteness Areas (RA). For more detail see Technical notes.

During 2023, Inner regional and Outer regional areas had the highest annual PBS prescription rates (averages of 16 and 14 per person per year, respectively; Table 3). Remote and Very remote areas had the lowest PBS prescription rates (averages of 9.6 and 5.7 per person per year, respectively) in 2023. Very remote ($307) and Remote areas ($476) also had the lowest annual PBS expenditure rates during 2023 (Table 3).

Remote and Very remote areas had the lowest monthly PBS prescription rates per person and these rates have remained relatively stable over time (Figure 3).

Monthly PBS expenditure rates across all remoteness categories have increased over time, with Very remote areas having the lowest monthly PBS expenditure rates (Figure 3).

Table 3: Annual PBS prescription and expenditure rates during 2023 by remoteness
CategoryAnnual PBS prescription rate (N per person)Annual PBS expenditure rate ($ per person)
Major cities12.0618.05
Inner regional15.8795.50
Outer regional14.3691.29
Very remote5.7306.94

Figure 3: Monthly PBS prescription and expenditure rates by remoteness

See the following for an extended description.