
Governments across Australia fund a range of services to support people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. These services are delivered by non-government organisations including agencies specialising in delivering services to specific target groups (such as young people or people experiencing domestic and family violence), as well as those that provide more generic services to people facing housing crises.

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Latest findings

273,600 clients were assisted by SHS agencies in 2022–23; more than 1.6 million clients since 2011–12

Almost two thirds of SHS clients in 2022–23 had received SHS assistance at some point since the collection began in 2011

Females are the main recipients of specialist homelessness services

Housing crisis and family and domestic violence are among the most common reasons for seeking assistance

Half of rough sleeping clients in 2016–18 had received SHS support in the previous 2 years

In 2019–20, 56% of clients who experienced persistent homelessness were female and 51% were under 25 years old

More reports and statistics on homelessness services can be found under Housing assistance. The AIHW’s Housing data dashboard also contains the latest housing and homelessness data from over 20 national data sets, brought together in one place.