Australia’s health: topic summaries present key information and statistics on 60+ different health topics. They cover a broad range of health conditions, factors that can influence our health, and aspects of Australia’s health system. Together, these summaries provide a comprehensive coverage of statistics for understanding health in Australia, and provide links to more information.
Australia’s health: topic summaries are a component of the 3-part product suite forming Australia’s health. The suite also includes:
The topic summaries are organised under the 5 domains of health status, health system, determinants of health, health of population groups and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Expand the boxes below to see the summaries under each domain.
Explore Australia's health topic summaries
Explore the leading causes of ill health in Australia, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental health conditions and musculoskeletal conditions.
Burden of disease
Chronic conditions
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic musculoskeletal conditions
Chronic respiratory conditions
Health of people experiencing homelessness
Heart, stroke and vascular disease
Infectious and communicable diseases
Life expectancy and causes of death
Measures of health and health care for Australia and similar countries
Mental health
Oral health and dental care
Physical health of people with mental illness
Suicide and intentional self-harm
Understanding health and health data
Examine the key aspects of Australia’s health system – how it works, who funds it, key services provided, and the composition of the workforce that delivers frontline services.
Alcohol and other drug treatment services
Cancer screening
Digital health
First Nations people and the health system
General practice, allied health and other primary care services
Health care safety and quality
Health expenditure
Health promotion and health protection
Health system overview
Health workforce
Immunisation and vaccination
Medicines in the health system
Mental health services
Palliative care services
Pathology, imaging and other diagnostic services
Referred medical specialist attendances
A person’s health and wellbeing is influenced by individual, societal and socioeconomic factors. Explore the ‘determinants’ which can affect the health of individuals and communities.
Biomedical risk factors
Built environment and health
Determinants of health for First Nations people
Family, domestic and sexual violence
Illicit drug use
Natural environment and health
Overweight and obesity
Physical activity
Social determinants of health
Stress and trauma
Tobacco and e-cigarettes
What are determinants of health?
Examine the different health experiences of certain population groups in Australia.
Health and wellbeing of First Nations people
Health of children
Health of mothers and babies
Health of older people
Health of people in prison
Health of people with disability
Health of veterans
Health of young people
Profile of Australia's population
Profile of First Nations people
Rural and remote health
Explore the health status, determinants of health and use of health services that are specific to the First Nations population.
For the latest versions of Australia’s health: topic summaries, including interactive content, use the links above.
For a summary of the state of health in Australia today, see Australia’s health 2024: in brief.
Download a point-in-time compilation of the Australia’s health topic summaries (web pages), as at 2 July 2024: Australia's health 2024: topic summaries [PDF 37.8MB]