Suicide & self-harm monitoring website and analyst portal

Suicide & self-harm monitoring website

The reporting of suicide and self-harm statistics and information on the AIHW website represents only one part of the National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring Project. It brings together - for the first time - data on suicide, intentional self-harm and suicidal behaviours from existing national morbidity (hospitalisation) and mortality data sources and national survey data. New national data from state and territory ambulance services is included, attained specifically through this project, from the National Ambulance Surveillance System (NASS). For further information on data sources see Technical notes.

The web-based format for Suicide & self-harm monitoring includes interactive data visualisations and geospatial mapping to illustrate and explore the statistics as well as text to assist with their interpretation and clarification of the limitations of the data.

This content will be regularly updated as new data become available. Further data sources will also be added as they become available from data development activities (see below).

Analyst portal

The suicide monitoring system also includes the Analyst Portal (the Portal) for policy evaluation, service planning and service activities by data custodians and approved users, such as Primary Health Networks (PHNs). The de-identified data and information provided in the Portal will enable policy makers and service providers to identify emerging trends and priority populations to support timely policy decisions and localised planning of suicide prevention activities.

The Portal is managed by the AIHW and includes national morbidity, mortality and ambulance data, with states and territories able to contribute other data, such as emergency department, suicide register or police data. The Portal is now available to external users and the AIHW is working collaboratively with jurisdictions, PHNs and other key stakeholders to determine:

  • what data can be made available in the Portal
  • how this data will enter the Portal
  • what analyses are needed and can be performed in the Portal
  • who needs to access the Portal.

Members of the National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring Project Expert Advisory Group and people with lived experience of suicide are contributing to the development of the Portal.