
This dashboard displays data on services funded through the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) from 1984 up to the most recently published period. The information indicates what proportion of the fees charged by service providers attracted a subsidy through the MBS as opposed to being funded through patient contributions (including out-of-pocket payments, private health insurance and other sources). It also shows the volume of MBS services claimed per person in the population for each broad type of service.

Data is presented on a monthly basis with the ability to display national, state, territory or Local Government Area (LGA) trends, and to divide the trends into age groups.

Note: MBS subsidy is the benefit paid by the Australian Government and does not include any supplementary benefits paid by private health funds. Refer to the Technical notes for more information on data presented in the dashboard.

Medicare Benefits Scheme – dashboard

This data visualisation shows an interactive display with charts of monthly data for broad type of service groups. Each service group presents with 2 charts – the proportion of MBS benefits over fees charged by service providers, and the average number of services per person, with the functionality to report data nationally, for a state/territory, or a Local Government Area, and age groups as well. Data is available for download on this webpage.