
Excess weight, especially obesity, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some musculoskeletal conditions and some cancers. As the level of excess weight increases, so does the risk of developing these conditions. In addition, being overweight can hamper the ability to control or manage chronic conditions.

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High use of leisure screen-based activities is associated with increased overweight and obesity in children

Children who have an active parent are more likely to be active than those with an inactive parent

In 2011–12, discretionary food contributed towards 39% of daily energy intake in those aged 2–18

Children had higher rates of overweight or obesity if their parent had not completed secondary school

Adult overweight or obesity was about 1.2 times higher for those paying off a mortgage than those who owned their home

In 2011–12 and 2014–15, adult obesity was 1.3 times higher for those paying rent as for those who owned their home

More reports and statistics on overweight and obesity can be found under Food & nutrition and Physical activity.