
Immunisation is a safe and effective way to protect individuals against harmful communicable diseases and helps to prevent the spread of these diseases among the community.

93.5% of all Australian children aged 5 were fully immunised in 2016–17.
80.1% of girls aged 15 were fully immunised against the human papillomavirus (HPV) in 2015–16.
95.7% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged 5 were fully immunised in 2016–17.

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Latest findings

Performance milestone for the 2019–20 reporting period

Two jurisdictions met all of the benchmarks assessed in the 2019–20 reporting period

7 jurisdictions met the performance benchmark on wastage and leakage in the 2019–20 reporting period

80% of the vaccine preventable burden in 2015 was due to premature death

Influenza contributed over one-third (36%) of the total vaccine preventable burden in 2015

The rate of vaccine preventable burden was highest among infants and those aged 85 and older