The National Mortality Database (NMD) holds records for deaths in Australia from 1964. The database comprises information about causes of death and other characteristics of the person, such as sex, age at death, area of usual residence and Indigenous status.

Collection details
Variables to support reporting and linkage
  • Age (Date of birth)
  • Sex/gender
  • Indigenous status
  • RA
  • SA2

Temporal coverage 

from 1/1/1964 to 31/12/2022

Geographical coverage

National and State


Data availability

  • Publications
  • Summary tables published in electronic form

Client specified tables on request which may be subject to data provider approval (charges apply).

There are restrictions and limitations governing the availability or use of other data in this holding.

Data scope 

All deaths in Australia.



Metadata information and data quality statement (DQS)

The data quality statements underpinning the AIHW National Mortality Database can be found in the following Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publications:

ABS quality declaration summary for: Deaths, Australia (ABS cat. No. 3302.0)

ABS quality declaration summary for Causes of Death, Australia methodology, 2022 (ABS 3303.0)

External links and information

For more information on deaths data at AIHW see:

National Mortality Database (NMD)

Life expectancy & deaths


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