
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as the presence of impaired or reduced kidney function lasting at least 3 months. A person who has the most severe form of CKD, kidney failure (also known as end-stage kidney disease), usually requires a kidney transplant or dialysis to survive. The elderly, Indigenous Australians and people living in remote and socioeconomically disadvantaged areas are at an increased risk of CKD.

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2 million hospitalisations recorded CKD as a diagnosis in 2021–22 – 18% of all hospitalisations in Australia

In 2022, 29,000 people with kidney failure received kidney replacement therapy (KRT) in Australia

13,500 people were living with a functioning kidney transplant – 940 of these were performed in 2022

By Primary Health Network, type 2 diabetes rates were generally higher in regional than in metropolitan areas

The highest chronic kidney disease hospitalisation rate by Population Health Area was 23 times the national average

Self-reported heart, stroke and vascular disease rates ranged from 2.9% to 8.4% across Primary Health Networks

The AIHW undertakes national surveillance and monitoring of a number of prominent chronic conditions, including chronic kidney disease, along with their comorbidities and associated risk factors. The AIHW seeks to enhance the evidence on the impact of chronic conditions, including chronic kidney disease, through these monitoring activities by providing information and advice, addressing key policy priorities and filling key information gaps.